
Keyword Sat, Mar 29th, 2025
Sr.No. Description Date Of Order
Multi Year Tariff Order For Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL) FY 2024-25 to FY 2028-29 for Approval of the Five-Year Business Plan and MYT Petition for the Fifth Control Period from FY 2024-25 to FY 2028-2922-01-2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and Determination of Tariff for 4th Control Period from CoD to FY 2023-24 for 66/22 kV Substation Nirmand (Bagipul) (Asset-1) and 66 kV D/C Nirmand–Kotla Transmission Line(Asset-2) of HPPTCL21-01-2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and Determination of Tariff for 3rd and 4th Control Period from COD to FY 2023-24 for 33/220kV, 80/100 MVA GIS Sub-Station at Phojal along with 220kV D/C LILO Transmission Line of HPPTCL10-09-2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and Determination of Tariff for 4th Control Period from CoD to FY 2023-24 for 400/220 kV System of 400/220/33 kV GIS Sub-station at Lahal (Asset-1) and 400 kV D/C Lahal - Chamera Transmission Line (Asset-2) of HPPTCL10-09-2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 4th Control Period from COD to FY 2023-24 for 220 kV LILO of Panchkula-Kunihar Transmission Line of HPPTCl12-06-2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and determination of Tariff for the period from COD (20.05.2022) to FY 2023-24 for 66kV GIS Switching Sub-station at Urni (Asset-1) and for the period from COD (20.05.2022) to FY 2023-24 for 66kV D/C Line from Urni Switching Station to Wangtoo Sub-station (Asset-2) of HPPTCL12-06-2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of True Up of FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21 & FY 2021-22 and Mid-Term Review for the FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 for HPPTC Ltd.05-06-2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 4th Control Period from CoD to FY 2023-24 for 220 kV Snail-Hatkoti D/C Transmission Line26-02-2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of capital cost and determination of tariff for the period starting from COD to FY 2023-24 for 200 kV D/C Bajoli Holi HEP –Lahal transmission line17-11-2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of MYT petition for Approval of Capital Cost and determination of Tariff for the period starting from COD to FY 2023-24 for 220/33 kV system of 400/220/33 kV pooling station at Lahal along with 220 kV S/C Transmission Line from Lahal pooling station to Budhil HEP17-11-2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of True-up Petition for MYT Control Period from FY 2014-15 to FY 2018-19 of Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation (HPPTCL)28-12-2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 33/132kV GIS Sub-station at Chambi (Shahpur) alongwith 132 kV D/C Transmission Dehra-Kangra Transmission Line to GIS pooling Sub-station at Chambi for the period from COD to FY 2023-2428-09-2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 400/220/66 kV GIS Pooling Sub Station Wangtoo (Sherpa Colony) for the period from COD to FY 2023-2428-09-2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 33/132 kV, GIS Sub-Station at Pandoh along with LILO of one circuit of 132 kV D/C Kangoo-Bajaura Transmission line (Asset-1) and Additional 33/132 kV, 31.5 MVA Transformer with associated GIS at 33/132 kV at Pandoh (Asset-2) for the period from COD to FY 2023-2428-09-2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 220 kV D/C Charor-Banala Transmission line for the Period from COD to FY 2023-2412-08-2021
Approval of MYT petition for approval of capital cost and determination of tariff for the period starting from COD (1.06.2016) to FY 2023-24 of 220kV D/C Kashang Bhaba transmission line of Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.26-08-2020
Approval of Capital Cost and Determination of Tariff for 220/66kV Bhoktoo Pooling Substation for the Period from COD to FY 2023-24 (FY17-FY24) H.P. Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL)25-07-2020
Multi Year Tariff Order For Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL) FY 2019-20 to FY 2023-2429-06-2019
HPPTCL True Up of FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16 and Mid-Term Review for the FY 2016-17, FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-1906-10-2017
True Up Order For Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL) For the period FY 2011-12 to FY 2013-1410-04-2017
Multi Year Tariff For HPPTCL For the Period FY-14-15 to 2018-19.10-06-2014
Multi Year Tariff For H P Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. for FY 12 to FY 1414-07-2011