All Orders

Keyword Sat, Mar 29th, 2025
Sr.No. Case No. Description Date Of Order
1 SM01/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2025-2627-03-2025
2 50/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s DNS Solar Power Project26-03-2025
3 130/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Varun Jal Vidyut Shakti Pvt. Ltd25-03-2025
4 45/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s SMM Solar Energy Solar Power Project25-03-2025
5 46/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Ganpati Solars Solar Power Project25-03-2025
6 47/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shiv Tulsi Solars Solar Power Project25-03-2025
7 48/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sangra Saur Urja Solar Power Project25-03-2025
8 49/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shivam Solar Power Project25-03-2025
9 27/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt. Ltd.25-03-2025
10 51/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shiva Solar Power Project25-03-2025
11 SM02/205
Order on Fixing the rate of sale of Free Power of the Government of Himachal Pradesh to Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited (HPSEBL) for FY 2025-2624-03-2025
12 SM02/205
Order on Fixing the rate of sale of Free Power of the Government of Himachal Pradesh to Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited (HPSEBL) for FY 2025-2624-03-2025
13 18/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Verma Solar Power Plant22-03-2025
14 19/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Chauhan Civil Structure Company Solar Power Project22-03-2025
15 20/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Hem Renu Solar Power Plant22-03-2025
16 21/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Mosaic Urja Solar Power Project22-03-2025
17 22/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Siya Solar Farms Solar Power Project22-03-2025
18 23/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Solar Synergy Solar Power Project22-03-2025
19 31/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s NR Solar Plant22-03-2025
20 32/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Maa Jagdamba Solar Power Project22-03-2025
21 33/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rudrika Solar Power Project22-03-2025
22 34/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Nag Bintru Solar Power Project22-03-2025
23 35/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Ram Rattan Vijay Kumar Solar Power Project22-03-2025
24 36/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Chaudhary Solar Power Project22-03-2025
25 37/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shiv Shakti Solar Power Project22-03-2025
26 38/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s BSG Solar Eco Energy Private Limited Solar Power Project22-03-2025
27 39/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s KK & Sons Solar Power Project22-03-2025
28 40/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shiva Solar Power Project22-03-2025
29 41/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Radhe Krishna Solar Industries Solar Power Project22-03-2025
30 42/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Atri Solar Power Project22-03-2025
31 43/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s SS Powers Solar Power Project22-03-2025
32 44/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Bhubaneswari III Solar Power Project22-03-2025
33 117/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of ARR for Fifth MYT Control Period (FY 2024-25 to FY 2028-29) for Generation Business of Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited (HPSEBL)19-03-2025
34 RP110/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPPCL V/s HPSEB Ltd.17-03-2025
35 13/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s OM Energy Generation Pvt. Ltd.10-02-2025
36 16/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s RDVP Solar Power Project10-02-2025
37 17/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited10-02-2025
38 01/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s RDVP Power-II Solar Power Project07-02-2025
39 02/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Maa Murari Solar Power Project07-02-2025
40 3/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of the HPSEBL and Mata Jalpa Solar Power Project07-02-2025
41 4/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEBL and Jai Singh Thakur Solar Power Project Unit-II07-02-2025
42 5/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEBL and Dogra Solar Power Project07-02-2025
43 7/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEBL and Seema Solar Power Project07-02-2025
44 6/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEBL and Kundlas Green Field Solar Power Project07-02-2025
45 8/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEBL and Minakshi Solar Power Project07-02-2025
46 9/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEBL and N.S. Solar Energy Solar Power Project07-02-2025
47 10/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEBL and Balaji Solar Power Project07-02-2025
48 46/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Everest Power Private Limited V/s HPPTCL23-01-2025
49 01/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. And M/s RDVP Power-II Solar Power Project23-01-2025
50 02/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Maa Murari Solar Power Project23-01-2025
51 03/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Mata Jalpa Solar Power Project23-01-2025
52 04/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Jai Singh Thakur Solar Power Project Unit-II23-01-2025
53 05/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Dogra Solar Power Project23-01-2025
54 06/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Dogra Solar Power Project23-01-2025
55 07/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Seema Solar Power Project23-01-2025
56 08/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Minakshi Solar Power Project23-01-2025
57 09/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s N.S. Solar Energy Solar Power Project23-01-2025
58 10/2025
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Balaji Solar Power Project23-01-2025
59 30/2024
Multi Year Tariff Order For Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL) FY 2024-25 to FY 2028-29 for Approval of the Five-Year Business Plan and MYT Petition for the Fifth Control Period from FY 2024-25 to FY 2028-2922-01-2025
60 116/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and Determination of Tariff for 4th Control Period from CoD to FY 2023-24 for 66/22 kV Substation Nirmand (Bagipul) (Asset-1) and 66 kV D/C Nirmand–Kotla Transmission Line(Asset-2) of HPPTCL21-01-2025
61 120/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s V.B. Hydro Projects Limited14-01-2025
62 135/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Solding Hydrowatt Private Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd.14-01-2025
63 147/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Lanco Hydro Power Ltd. and M/s Engenrin Hydro Power Ltd14-01-2025
64 148/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Lanco Hydro Power Ltd and M/s Engenrin Hydro Power Ltd.14-01-2025
65 MA 172/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Prime Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. Versus the HPSEBL26-12-2024
66 152/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and the Dharnasi Solar Power Project26-12-2024
67 153/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Mahesh Solar Power Project26-12-2024
68 154/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s B.G. Energy Solar Power Project26-12-2024
69 149/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s The Nuclear Energy Corporation of India Limited26-12-2024
70 133/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s BS Farms Solar Venture Versus the HPSEBL26-12-2024
71 118/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Sai Eternal Foundation V/s HPSEB Ltd.26-12-2024
72 36/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Swadeshi Distributors LLP V/s The Directorate of Energy & Others26-12-2024
73 150/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s The Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI)17-12-2024
74 151/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s The Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI)17-12-2024
75 198/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Jala Shakti Limited V/s The State of Himachal Pradesh, HPSEB Ltd. and Others10-12-2024
76 143/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Bakhnow Solar Anni Solar Power Project10-12-2024
77 132/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shareshtha Hydro Projects Pvt. Ltd09-12-2024
78 139/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s DRS Projects Solar Power Project02-12-2024
79 141/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s KK Constructions Solar Power Project02-12-2024
80 142/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Vijay Sales Corporation Solar Power Project02-12-2024
81 144/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s RBS Bus Services Solar Power Project02-12-2024
82 145/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rajneesh Kumar Solar Power Project02-12-2024
83 143/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Bakhnow Solar Anni Solar Power Project02-12-2024
84 RPN114/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPPCL V/s HPSEB Ltd.19-11-2024
85 RP112/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPPCL V/s HPSEB Ltd. 05-11-2024
86 RP113/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPPTCL V/s HPSEB Ltd.05-11-2024
87 136/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Neom Solar Power Project05-11-2024
88 137/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s RSVK Green Energies Solar Power Project05-11-2024
89 138/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s GK Solar Power Project05-11-2024
90 SM02/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Amendment in Model Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Solar PV Power Project(s) situated in the State of Himachal Pradesh28-10-2024
91 111/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd.. and M/s Himachal Renewables Limited (HRL)16-10-2024
92 105/2024
Before HPERC in the Matter of Tidong Power Generation Private Ltd V/s HPPTCL.10-10-2024
93 SM03/2024
In the Matter of HPERC V/s HPSEB Ltd.,and HPPTC Ltd.09-10-2024
94 185/2024
Before HPERC in the Matter of Clarificatory Petition on Commission’s Order dated 15.03.2024 on Business Plan and Mutli year tariff Order for 5th Control Period (FY25-29), ARR and Determination of Tariff for FY25 & True-up of FY23 of the 4th MYT Control Period for HPSEBL.09-10-2024
95 121/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd.. and M/s Naina Solar Power Project08-10-2024
96 122/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s MTN Solar Power Project08-10-2024
97 123/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shiv Ram Solar PV Project08-10-2024
98 124/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s RDVP Solar Power Project08-10-2024
99 125/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Charvik Infrastructure Solar PV Project08-10-2024
100 126/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Hansraj Solar Private Limited Solar Power Project08-10-2024
101 72/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter M/s Usaka Hydro Powers (P) Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd.26-09-2024
102 02/20
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and Determination of Tariff for 3rd and 4th Control Period from COD to FY 2023-24 for 33/220kV, 80/100 MVA GIS Sub-Station at Phojal along with 220kV D/C LILO Transmission Line of HPPTCL10-09-2024
103 99/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and Determination of Tariff for 4th Control Period from CoD to FY 2023-24 for 400/220 kV System of 400/220/33 kV GIS Sub-station at Lahal (Asset-1) and 400 kV D/C Lahal - Chamera Transmission Line (Asset-2) of HPPTCL10-09-2024
104 103/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Varun Jal Vidyut Shakti Pvt. Ltd09-09-2024
105 104/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sai Eternal Foundation09-09-2024
106 115/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Kangra Hydro Power Ventures Pvt. Ltd. & Another Versus the HPPTCL & Others09-09-2024
107 107/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Ganpati Solar Power Project 04-07-2024
108 108/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Ganpati Solar Power Project04-07-2024
109 102/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Petition for authentication of the renewable energy against Renewable Power Purchase Obligation (RPO) for FY 2023-2419-06-2024
110 78/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s HPPCL for for approval of the Power Purchase Agreement (Solar) in respect of the Bhanjal Solar Power Plant (5.0 MWAC).13-06-2024
111 28/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 4th Control Period from COD to FY 2023-24 for 220 kV LILO of Panchkula-Kunihar Transmission Line of HPPTCl12-06-2024
112 01/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and determination of Tariff for the period from COD (20.05.2022) to FY 2023-24 for 66kV GIS Switching Sub-station at Urni (Asset-1) and for the period from COD (20.05.2022) to FY 2023-24 for 66kV D/C Line from Urni Switching Station to Wangtoo Sub-station (Asset-2) of HPPTCL12-06-2024
113 27/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Tariff for FY 2024-25 to 2028-29 for Sale of Power from Baspa II 300 MW HEP to HPSEBL and JSW Hydro Energy Limited12-06-2024
114 22/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Schedule of Service Connection Charges, containing normative rates of Infrastructural Development Charges (IDC) to be recovered05-06-2024
115 29/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of True Up of FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21 & FY 2021-22 and Mid-Term Review for the FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 for HPPTC Ltd.05-06-2024
116 24/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost along with Additional Capitalization and Determination of Tariff for Integrated Kashang Hydro Electric Project (IKHEP) Stage-I (1x65MW) Date of Commercial Operation (COD) to Financial Year (FY) 2023-2405-06-2024
117 25/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost along with Additional Capitalization and Determination of Tariff for Sainj Hydro Electric Project (HEP)(2x50MW) from Date of Commercial Operation (COD) to Financial Year (FY) 2023-2405-06-2024
118 26/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost along with Additional Capitalization and Determination of Tariff for Sawra Kuddu Hydro Electric Project (HEP) (3x37MW) from Date of Commercial Operation (COD) to Financial Year (FY) 2023-2405-06-2024
119 73/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPPTCL V/s HPSEB Ltd.22-05-2024
120 20/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rudra Small Hydro Electric Project V/s M/s Rudra Small Hydro Electric Project M/s Rudra Small Hydro Electric Project The Himachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency, (HIMURJA)14-05-2024
121 63/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s New Dhauladhar Hydro Project V/s The Himachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency (HIMURJA)14-05-2024
122 65/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rahul Solar Power Project03-05-2024
123 66/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sunrise Solar Power Project03-05-2024
124 67/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Jai Singh Thakur Solar Power Project03-05-2024
125 68/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Camson Industries Solar Power Project03-05-2024
126 71/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Dev Hari Solar Power Project03-05-2024
127 72/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Aditya Solar Power Project03-05-2024
128 73/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shiv Shakti Solar Power Project03-05-2024
129 74/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Bhagawati Solar Power Project03-05-2024
130 75/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s S Photon Solar Power Project03-05-2024
131 79/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Neelam Solar Power Project03-05-2024
132 80/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Dhiman Electrical Company Solar Power Project03-05-2024
133 85/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Chandan Solar Power Project03-05-2024
134 86/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shiv Shakti Solar Power Project03-05-2024
135 88/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Gulshan Kumar Thakur Solar Power Project03-05-2024
136 89/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Vashisht Urja Solar Power Project03-05-2024
137 90/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Green Energies Solar Power Project03-05-2024
138 91/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sunrise Power Project03-05-2024
139 92/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sustainable Solar Energy Company Solar Power Project03-05-2024
140 93/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Radhey Solar Power Project03-05-2024
141 94/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Saraswati Raj Solar Power Project03-05-2024
142 95/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s A.V. Akshay Urja Solar Power Project03-05-2024
143 96/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shree Sai Solar Power Project03-05-2024
144 97/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shiva Green Energy Solar Power Project03-05-2024
145 98/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Deepmala Solar Power Project03-05-2024
146 64/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and The Municipal Corporation Solar Power Project03-05-2024
147 69/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s VR Solar Power Project12-04-2024
148 70/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s VR Solar Power Project12-04-2024
149 76/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s MVR Solar Power Project12-04-2024
150 77/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sheela Solar Power Project12-04-2024
151 83/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s MVR-II Solar Power Project12-04-2024
152 87/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Smile Resort Solar Power Project12-04-2024
153 48/2024
Before The HPERC in the Matter of The HPSEB Ltd. & HPPCL V/s H.P SLDC12-04-2024
154 46/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Everest Power Private Limited V/s HPPTCL12-04-2024
155 48/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and HPPCL V/s HPSLDC12-04-2024
156 71/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Tidong Power Generation Private Ltd V/s HPPTC Ltd.12-04-2024
157 58/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s BRK Green Tech. Solar Power Project10-04-2024
158 59/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Eco Energies Solar Power Project10-04-2024
159 60/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rockwell Industries Solar Power Project10-04-2024
160 61/20224
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Evaz Solar Power Project10-04-2024
161 62/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sarswati Solar Power Project10-04-2024
162 82/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s KLS Solar Power Project10-04-2024
163 84/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s P.K. Kalia Solar Power Project10-04-2024
164 91/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Krishna Power Solar Project10-04-2024
165 47/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s New Dhauladhar Techno Power Pvt. Ltd10-04-2024
166 50/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Swabhi Solar Power Project10-04-2024
167 51/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Pankaj Kapoor Solar Power Project10-04-2024
168 52/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Jai Mata Solar Power Project10-04-2024
169 53/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Jai Guru Dev Solar Power Project10-04-2024
170 54/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Virajatav Power Pvt. Ltd. Solar Power Project10-04-2024
171 55/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Super Singer Enterprises Solar Power Project10-04-2024
172 56/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Palak Thakur Solar Power Project10-04-2024
173 57/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s 27 Miles Solar Park Solar Power Project10-04-2024
174 49/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Padhas Hydel Projects Pvt. Ltd09-04-2024
175 39/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Paavany Greens Pvt. Ltd02-04-2024
176 40/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Prodigy Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd02-04-2024
177 41/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Bhaskar Urja Solar Power Project02-04-2024
178 42/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Anuradha Solar Power Project02-04-2024
179 43/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shrikhand Kailash Solar Power Project02-04-2024
180 44/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Bajrang Construction Solar Power Project02-04-2024
181 45/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Him Solar Energy Power Project02-04-2024
182 46/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s B.S. Farms (Solar Venture)02-04-2024
183 34/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Shivalik Energy Private Limited, Chirchind Hydro Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPPTCL, HPSEBL & Others28-03-2024
184 37/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt. Ltd21-03-2024
185 38/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Ginni Global Pvt. Ltd.21-03-2024
Order on Fixing the rate of sale of Free Power of the Government of Himachal Pradesh to Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited (HPSEBL) for FY 2024-2515-03-2024
187 14 & 15/2024
188 23/2024
Order on True Up for the Period FY 2020-21 to FY 2022-23, Provisional True-up for FY 2023-24 & Business Plan and Multi Year Tariff for FY 2024-25 to FY 2028-29 For Himachal Pradesh State Load Despatch Centre (HPSLDC)15-03-2024
189 01/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2024-2514-03-2024
190 113/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval and Inclusion of Capital Expenditure Schemes for Restoration of 3x42 MW Larji Power House in the CAPEX Plan of Generation Business of HPSEBL for 4th MYT Control Period (FY20 to FY24)14-03-2024
191 31/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sher Singh & Brothers Solar Power Project11-03-2024
192 32/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Richmit Solar Power Project-211-03-2024
193 33/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s K.K. Kashyap Green Solar Energy Producer-II11-03-2024
194 34/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Surya Solar Power Project11-03-2024
195 35/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rathor Solar Power Project11-03-2024
196 36/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Jai Maa Sitala Solar Power Project11-03-2024
197 40/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of True-up for third MYT Control Period (FY 2014-15 to FY 2018-19) & Mid-Term Performance Review for Fourth MYT Control Period (FY 2019-20 to FY 2023-24) for Generation Business26-02-2024
198 41/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 4th Control Period from CoD to FY 2023-24 for 220 kV Snail-Hatkoti D/C Transmission Line26-02-2024
199 SM08/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Fixation of normative O&M charges to be paid by the Small Hydro Power Project(s) and other RE generators connected at Sub-stations owned by the Distribution Licensee23-02-2024
200 120/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Ankur Solar Power Project V/s HPSEB Ltd.23-02-2024
201 45/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s The Power Contractor Association and others.16-02-2024
202 16/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Indrasan Solar Power Project14-02-2024
203 17/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Neela Solar Power Project14-02-2024
204 18/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Malti Solar Power Project14-02-2024
205 19/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Akash Solar Power Project14-02-2024
206 02/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Balwant Singh Solar Power Project11-01-2024
207 03/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Maharaja Solar Power Project11-01-2024
208 04/24
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Parmar Solar Power Project11-01-2024
209 05/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Adhiraj Solar Power Project11-01-2024
210 06/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Asha Energy Solar Power Project11-01-2024
211 07/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Kunti Devi Solar Power Project11-01-2024
212 08/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shivam Solar Power Project11-01-2024
213 09/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rajinder Pal Singh Solar Power Project11-01-2024
214 10/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Manoj Kumar Solar Power Pr11-01-2024
215 11/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s S & S Solar Power Project11-01-2024
216 12/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Maa Naina Power Project11-01-2024
217 13/2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Parnwal Solar Power Project11-01-2024
218 74/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s IA Hydro Energy Ltd. Vs. the HPSEBL and Another10-01-2024
219 116/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shagun Solar Power Project10-01-2024
220 117/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shri Mahunag Solar Power Project10-01-2024
221 118/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s R.S. Builder Solar Power Project10-01-2024
222 119/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s AMG Green Sun Solar Power Project10-01-2024
223 121/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rudra Transport Co. Solar Power Project10-01-2024
224 122/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Gurasees Solar Power Project10-01-2024
225 123/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Suman Dhairya Solar Power Project10-01-2024
226 114/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Aditya Urja-II Solar Power Project30-12-2023
227 115/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Solding Hydrowatt Pvt. Ltd.30-12-2023
228 90/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s SS Chauhan Construction Pvt. Ltd. Solar Power Project02-12-2023
229 91/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Himsun Solar Power Project02-12-2023
230 99/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Martand Green Energy02-12-2023
231 100/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shailja Solar Power Project02-12-2023
232 101/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Ground Mounted Solar Power Project02-12-2023
233 109/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s India Green Solar Power Project02-12-2023
234 07/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Small Hydro Projects above 100 kW for 4th Control Period (i.e. 01.10.2023 to 31.03.2027)17-11-2023
235 27/202
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of capital cost and determination of tariff for the period starting from COD to FY 2023-24 for 200 kV D/C Bajoli Holi HEP –Lahal transmission line17-11-2023
236 28/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of MYT petition for Approval of Capital Cost and determination of Tariff for the period starting from COD to FY 2023-24 for 220/33 kV system of 400/220/33 kV pooling station at Lahal along with 220 kV S/C Transmission Line from Lahal pooling station to Budhil HEP17-11-2023
237 46/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Kalia Solar Power Project10-11-2023
238 47/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s P.K. Kalia Solar Power Project10-11-2023
239 102/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s V.L. Solar Power Project10-11-2023
240 107/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s MVD Solar Power Project10-11-2023
241 108/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s MVD Solar Power Project10-11-2023
242 39/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Brua Hydrowatt Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPPTCL, HPSEBLL and Others04-11-2023
243 06/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2023-24 (for a period w.e.f 01.10.2023 to 31.03.2024)04-11-2023
244 49/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Seema Devi Solar Power Project03-11-2023
245 50/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Minakshi Solar Power Project03-11-2023
246 54/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rudra Transport Company Solar Power Project03-11-2023
247 55/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sunrise Solar Power Project03-11-2023
248 57/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Bhubaneswari-II Solar Power Project03-11-2023
249 58/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Green Energy Artisons03-11-2023
250 59/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s VSBR Solar Projects03-11-2023
251 60/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Vijay Soni Solar Projects03-11-2023
252 61/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Ranjna Kumari Solar Power Project03-11-2023
253 62/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Ravinder Gaur Solar Power Project03-11-2023
254 63/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Hanora Solar Power Project03-11-2023
255 64/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Jamwal Solar Power Project03-11-2023
256 67/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Kamaksha Solar Power Project03-11-2023
257 68/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sai Solar Power Project03-11-2023
258 69/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rudransh Solar Power Project03-11-2023
259 70/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Master Jee Solar Power Project03-11-2023
260 86/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Bhavish Solar Power Project03-11-2023
261 87/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Him Solar Plant03-11-2023
262 88/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sunvision Solar Power Project03-11-2023
263 89/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s SS Chauhan Construction Pvt. Ltd. Power Solar Project03-11-2023
264 103/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Galtu Solar Power Project03-11-2023
265 104/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Rakesh Katoch Solar Power Project03-11-2023
266 105/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sanoj Katoch Solar Power Project03-11-2023
267 106/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shakunlok Solar Power Project03-11-2023
268 110/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Ankur Solar PV Project03-11-2023
269 111/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shiv Kripa Solar Power Project03-11-2023
270 32/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter HP Power Transmission Corporation Limited V/s The State of HP, HPSEB Ltd.& Others01-11-2023
271 85/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Sunshine Power Project21-10-2023
272 92/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Sandeep Solar Power Project21-10-2023
273 93/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Himachal Green Power Project21-10-2023
274 94/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Nadda Solar Power Project21-10-2023
275 95/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Sher-e-Punjab Solar Power Project21-10-2023
276 96/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Maa Chaturbhuja Solar Power Project21-10-2023
277 97/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Alok Solar Power Project21-10-2023
278 98/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Amar Sandhya Power Project21-10-2023
279 48/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Abhinav Synergy Solar Power Project19-10-2023
280 51/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Shree Rudra Green Solar Power Project19-10-2023
281 52/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s N.B. Power Project Pvt. Ltd.19-10-2023
282 53/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Sri Sai Solar Power Project19-10-2023
283 56/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Prakash Chand & Brothers Solar Power Project19-10-2023
284 65/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Shiv Shakti Solar Power Project19-10-2023
285 66/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Dhiman Solar Power Project19-10-2023
286 76/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Northern Star Solar Farm19-10-2023
287 75/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Rajakhasa Solar Power Project17-10-2023
288 77/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Nav Bharat Construction Company’s Solar Power Project17-10-2023
289 78/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Shiva Solar Power Project17-10-2023
290 79/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Bali Solar Power Project17-10-2023
291 80/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Guru Kirpa Solar Power Project17-10-2023
292 81/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Shiv Kirpa Solar Power Project17-10-2023
293 82/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Maa Bala Sundri Solar Power Project17-10-2023
294 83/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Sirmaur Solar Power Project17-10-2023
295 84/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Hamir Solar Power Project17-10-2023
296 29/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of The Bonafide Himachalies Hydro Power Developers Association V/s HPSEBL and Others16-10-2023
297 44/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sumurja Shakti Pvt. Ltd.,27-09-2023
298 26/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter HP Power Transmission Corporation Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd.,The HP Power Transmission Corporation Ltd., M/s Tranda Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd.26-09-2023
299 32/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter HP Power Transmission Corporation Limited V/s The State of HP, HPSEB Ltd.& Others26-09-2023
300 43/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s V.B. Hydro Projects Ltd. V/s HPPTC Ltd.06-09-2023
301 42/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Petition for Approval of Capital Expenditure of Additional Scheme for up-gradation of existing 2x3.15 MVA, 33/11 kV Bijhar (Kotla) Sub-Station to 132 kV level GIS Sub-Station along with construction of 132 kV S/C transmission line on D/C towers from 132/33 kV Sub-station Jahoo to proposed 2x16/20 MVA, 132/33 kV GIS Sub-Station Bijhar (Kotla)09-08-2023
302 36/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Swadeshi Distributors LLP V/s DOE, MNRE and HPSEB ltd.26-07-2023
303 35/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s The Power Contractor Association and Others.11-07-2023
304 10/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s DSL Hydrowatt Ltd.06-07-2023
305 38/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s DOE, Himuja and HPPCL23-06-2023
306 RP16/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Leond Hydro Power Private Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.03-06-2023
307 31/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Kangra Hydro Power Ventures Pvt. Ltd V/s HPSEB Ltd. and others01-06-2023
308 17/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s HPPTCL, HPPCL and Others for the approval of the 250 MW Solar Power procurement through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process from Grid Connected Solar PV power projects located within Himachal Pradesh20-05-2023
309 30/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Excel Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd.20-05-2023
310 02/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of True-Up of tariff for FY 2019-20 to FY 2021-22 and Mid Term Review for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 for sale of power from Baspa II HEP to HPSEBL16-05-2023
311 12/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPPTCL and Others.15-05-2023
312 78/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPPTCL V/s HPSEB Ltd.15-05-2023
313 01/2023
Fourth Annual Performance Review Order For 4th MYT Control Period (FY20-FY24) & Determination of Tariff for FY24 & True-up of FY22 of 4th MYT Control Period for HPSEB Ltd.31-03-2023
314 SM 11/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2023- 2431-03-2023
315 24/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Nanal Hydro Power Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.31-03-2023
316 25/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s The Directorate of Energy and Others.29-03-2023
Order on Fixing the rate of sale of Free Power of the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh to Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited (HPSEBL) for FY 2023-2428-03-2023
318 18/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Ginni Global Pvt. Ltd28-03-2023
319 19/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Prodigy Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd28-03-2023
320 20/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Gangdari Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd28-03-2023
321 21/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Greenko Tejassarnika Hydro Energies Pvt. Ltd.28-03-2023
322 22/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Greenko Sumez Hydro Energies Pvt. Ltd28-03-2023
323 23/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Padhas Hydel Projects Pvt. Ltd.28-03-2023
324 RP77/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Sai Engineering Foundation V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others22-03-2023
325 13/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt. Ltd07-03-2023
326 14/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s G R Auditya Renewable Energies Pvt. Ltd07-03-2023
327 15/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Palchan Bhang Power Pvt. Ltd07-03-2023
328 33/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt. Ltd. V/s HP Power Transmission Corporation Ltd., and others13-02-2023
329 05/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and HP Power Corporation Ltd.13-02-2023
330 32/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt. Ltd. V/s HP Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.07-02-2023
331 45/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Panchhor Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others30-01-2023
332 70/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of The HP State Load Despatch Centre V/s The Stakeholders/ Objectors28-01-2023
333 45/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Swadeshi Distributors LLP and M/s Jagdambey Hydro Projects LLP V/s HPPTCL, HPSEB Ltd. and GoHP27-01-2023
334 03/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Sanjeev Kumar Solar Power PV Project21-01-2023
335 04/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Mandri Devi Solar PV Project21-01-2023
336 06/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and UTRI HR Services Pvt. Ltd21-01-2023
337 07/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and GRT Solar Power Project21-01-2023
338 08/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Diyar Solar Power Project21-01-2023
339 09/2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Sahkari Sabha Solar PV Project21-01-2023
340 42/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Leond Hydro Power Private Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd.07-01-2023
341 76/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of Capital Expenditure for Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme of HPSEBL and HPSEB Ltd.28-12-2022
342 36/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of True-up Petition for MYT Control Period from FY 2014-15 to FY 2018-19 of Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation (HPPTCL)28-12-2022
343 35/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Brua Hydrowatt Pvt. Ltd. V/s The HP Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. and others27-12-2022
344 53/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Shivalik Energy Private Limited, Chirchind Hydro Pvt. Ltd., Chirchind Hydro Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPPTCL and Others19-12-2022
345 34/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of The All India Renewable Energy V/s HPSEB Ltd., And Others15-12-2022
346 41/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s Directorate of Energy and Others28-11-2022
347 28/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval of the Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for FY 20 and the Multi Year Tariff of the Fourth MYT Order for the Control Period (FY20-24) and HPSEBL and HPSLDC and Malana Power Company Limited28-11-2022
348 38/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Prime Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd and Others23-11-2022
349 73/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sahil Vasishta Solar PV Project23-11-2022
350 74/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Sunshine Solar PV Project23-11-2022
351 75/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Shanti Solar Urja Project23-11-2022
352 RP46/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Varun Jal Vidyut Shakti Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. 16-11-2022
353 31/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Mahamai Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd.15-11-2022
354 69/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Wil Power Projects Ltd.15-11-2022
355 59/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Swan Rangers Solar PV Project28-10-2022
356 60/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Dharamjit Solar PV Project28-10-2022
357 61/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Khajuriya Solar PV Project28-10-2022
358 65/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Kartik Solar PV Project28-10-2022
359 66/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Ankit Solar PV Project28-10-2022
360 67/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Ajay Solar PV Project28-10-2022
361 68/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Surya Solar PV Project28-10-2022
362 27/2022
Order on determination of Capital Cost and Project Specific Levelized Tariff for Ghanvi II SHEP (10 MW)28-09-2022
363 28/2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 33/132kV GIS Sub-station at Chambi (Shahpur) alongwith 132 kV D/C Transmission Dehra-Kangra Transmission Line to GIS pooling Sub-station at Chambi for the period from COD to FY 2023-2428-09-2022
364 29/2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 400/220/66 kV GIS Pooling Sub Station Wangtoo (Sherpa Colony) for the period from COD to FY 2023-2428-09-2022
365 30/2022
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 33/132 kV, GIS Sub-Station at Pandoh along with LILO of one circuit of 132 kV D/C Kangoo-Bajaura Transmission line (Asset-1) and Additional 33/132 kV, 31.5 MVA Transformer with associated GIS at 33/132 kV at Pandoh (Asset-2) for the period from COD to FY 2023-2428-09-2022
366 03/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Swadeshi Distributors LLP28-09-2022
367 51/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and Sai Solar PV Project27-09-2022
368 57/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Manikaran Hydro Pvt. Ltd27-09-2022
369 58/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Manikaran Hydro Pvt. Ltd27-09-2022
370 55/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. and M/s Gopal Hydrogen Pvt. Ltd 24-09-2022
371 49/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s Jalpa Solar PV Project 14-09-2022
372 50/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s Chandel Solar PV Project14-09-2022
373 52/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s SSR Energy Solar PV Project14-09-2022
374 73/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. & M/s Kangra Hydro Power Venture Pvt. Ltd V/s The HIMURJA05-09-2022
375 40/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s Kathwari Solar PV Project.24-08-2022
376 43/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s A Himalayan Hydro Project.24-08-2022
377 47/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Bani Solar PV Project24-08-2022
378 50/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of The HP State Load Despatch Centre V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others06-08-2022
379 51/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of The HP Power Transmission Corp. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. & others06-08-2022
380 02/2022
Supplementary Order w.r.t. Mid-Term Performance Review Order For 4th MYT Control Period (FY20-FY24) & Determination of Tariff for FY23 & True-up of FY19,20,2119-07-2022
381 02/2022
Revised Tariff Order w.r.t Domestic Tariff Category w.e.f 01 July,202205-07-2022
382 37/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Ikshvaku Solar PV Project05-07-2022
383 04/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Neri Hydro Projects Pvt. Ltd V/s HPSEB Ltd., & Others21-05-2022
384 47/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Gopal Hydrogen Pvt. Ltd.21-05-2022
385 10/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., and M/s Dev Bhumi Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd. 21-05-2022
386 SM23/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the HPERC V/s M/s Varun Jal Vidyut Shakti (P) Ltd &. HPSEB Ltd,.18-05-2022
387 21/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Himalaya Hydel Energy Pvt. Ltd17-05-2022
388 22/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Ginni Global Pvt. Ltd17-05-2022
389 24/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s R.D. Power17-05-2022
390 25/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Shiva Power17-05-2022
391 26/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s SS Energy Ltd. 17-05-2022
392 12,48/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Tidong Power Generation Pvt. Ltd. V/s The HP Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. and The HP Power Corporation Ltd V/s The HP Power Transmission Corporation Ltd and Others.02-05-2022
393 20/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s HP Power Corporation Ltd19-04-2022
394 06/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd.,V/s M/s Kin Hydro Power Developers19-04-2022
395 02/2022
Mid-Term Performance Review Order For 4th MYT Control Period (FY20-FY24) & Determination of Tariff for FY23 & True-up of FY19,20,2129-03-2022
396 11/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd.,V/s M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt. Ltd28-03-2022
397 12/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., V/s The Bhutti Weavers Co-operative Society Ltd.28-03-2022
398 38/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Om Energy Generation Pvt. Ltd28-03-2022
Order on Fixing the rate of sale of Free Power of the Government of Himachal Pradesh to Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited (HPSEBL) for FY 2022-2328-03-2022
400 07/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2022- 2328-03-2022
401 19/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Harisons Hydel Const. Co.Pvt. Ltd V/s Directorate of Energy, HPSEB Ltd., and Others24-03-2022
402 25/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Ascent Hydro Projects Ltd. V/s DOE, HPSEB Ltd. and Others24-03-2022
403 49/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Varun Jal Vidyut Shakti Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.24-03-2022
404 13/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Greenko Sumez Hydro Energies Pvt. Ltd23-03-2022
405 14/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Greenko Tejassarnika Hydro Energies Pvt. Ltd23-03-2022
406 15/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Gangdari Hydro Power Private Limited23-03-2022
407 16/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Ginni Global Private Limited23-03-2022
408 17/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Nanal Hydro Power Consultancy Pvt. Ltd23-03-2022
409 18/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Prodigy Hydro Pvt. Ltd.23-03-2022
410 19/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Padhas Hydel Project Pvt. Ltd23-03-2022
411 05/2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Soiel Dashal Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd., V/s Principal Secretary, GoHP (MPP& Power), and HPSEB Ltd.22-03-2022
412 01/22
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter HPSEB Ltd., V/s M/s Sai Engineering Foundation21-02-2022
413 01/2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Pinnacle Hydro Energy Pvt. Ltd.V/s HPSEB Ltd.15-02-2022
414 28/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost (APPC) for the financial year 2021-22 under REC mechanism03-01-2022
415 21/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Changer Vidyut Kranti (P) Ltd., V/s The State of Himachal Pradesh, HPSEBL and others15-12-2021
416 78/2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Batot Hydro Power Ltd, M/s Belij Hydro Power Ltd, M/s Jal Shakti Ltd V/s The State of Himachal Pradesh, HPPTCL, HPSEBL, Himurja09-12-2021
417 29/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Authentication of Renewable Energy Purchase (Non-Solar & Solar) for FY 2020-21.02-12-2021
418 96/2020
Before the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in the matter of Petition for ARR for fourth MYT Control Period (FY2019-20 to FY 2023-24) and True-up for second MYT Control Period (FY 2011-12 to FY 2013-14) for Generation Business of HPSEB Ltd.11-11-2021
419 98/2020
Approval of MYT petition for approval of capital cost and determination of tariff for the period starting from COD (12th May, 2018) to FY 2023-24 for 33/220kV GIS sub-station at Karian along with 220kV D/C transmission line to PGCIL pooling sub-station at Chamera-II01-11-2021
420 03/2021
Order w.r.t Authentication of Renewable Energy Purchase (Non-Solar & Solar) for FY 2019-2014-09-2021
421 99/2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Ascent Hydro Projects Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.07-09-2021
422 100/2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Harison Hydel Const. Co. Pvt. Ltd., V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others07-09-2021
423 04/2021
Order w.r.t Authentication of Renewable Energy Power Purchase (Non-Solar and Solar) for FY 2017-18 & FY 2018-1919-08-2021
424 14/2021
Order on True Up for the Period FY 2018-19 & FY 2019-20 Provisional True-up for FY 2020-21 & Mid-Term Review Order for the Period FY 2021-22 to FY 2023-2412-08-2021
425 97/2020
Approval of Capital Cost and determination of tariff for 220 kV D/C Charor-Banala Transmission line for the Period from COD to FY 2023-2412-08-2021
426 22/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Solar PV Projects for FY 2021-2222-07-2021
427 11/2021
Second Annual Performance Review Order For 4th MYT Control Period (FY20-FY24), Determination of Tariff for FY22 and True up for FY19 and FY20.31-05-2021
428 23/2021
Order on Fixing the rate of sale of Free Power of the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh to Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited (HPSEBL) for FY 2021-2206-05-2021
429 09/2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost (APPC) for the financial year 2020-21 under REC mechanism31-03-2021
430 SM08-2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC In the Matter of Determination of generic levellised tariff for Small Hydro Projects upto 100 kW (01.04.2021 to 30.09.2023).31-03-2021
431 08/2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Brua Hydrowatt Pvt. Ltd., V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others22-03-2021
432 79/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Gehra Hydro Power Private Ltd., V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others28-01-2021
433 SM79-2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Solar PV Projects for FY 2020-2115-01-2021
434 64/2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s JSW Hydro Energy Ltd. , V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others28-12-2020
435 76/2020
Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Small Hydro Projects for 3rd control period i.e. 01.04.2020 to 30.09.202322-12-2020
436 7&146/2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s G.R. Enterprises V/s HPSEB Ltd. 15-12-2020
437 03/2020
Approval of MYT petition for approval of capital cost and determination of tariff for the period starting from COD (1.06.2016) to FY 2023-24 of 220kV D/C Kashang Bhaba transmission line of Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.26-08-2020
438 05/2020
Revision of tariff for Domestic category of the consumers on account of modification in subsidy by the Government of HP in the HPSEBL schedule of tariff, 2020 approved by the Commission in the First Annual Performance Review Order of HPSEBL for MYT Period FY20- FY24 dated 06-06-202004-08-2020
439 04/2020
Approval of Capital Cost and Determination of Tariff for 220/66kV Bhoktoo Pooling Substation for the Period from COD to FY 2023-24 (FY17-FY24) H.P. Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL)25-07-2020
440 62/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Sandhya Hydro Power Projects V/s HPSEB Ltd.,HPSLDC, & Others09-07-2020
441 06/2020
True Up Order for BASPA II HEP for FY 2017-18 to FY 2018-1907-07-2020
Corrigendum to the Tariff Order for HPSEBL in Petition no. 5 of 2020 for FY2020-2130-06-2020
443 05/2020
First Annual Performance Review Order For 4th MYT Control Period (FY20-FY24) & Determination of Tariff for FY21 Including True-up of FY1806-06-2020
444 05/2020
Interim Order w.r.t Petition (No. 5/2020) for first Annual Performance Review(APR) for 4th MYT Control Period, determination of tariff for FY21 and True-up of FY18 for Distribution Business23-03-2020
445 76/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Small Hydro Projects for 2nd Control Period i.e. 1st October 2019 to 31st March 2020.15-02-2020
446 72/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost (APPC) for the financial year 2019-2005-02-2020
447 81/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of generic levellised tariffs for Solar PV Projects for the last six months of FY 2019-20 (i.e. 1st October, 2019 to 31st March, 2020).20-01-2020
448 54/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Sh. Bal Krishan Sharma thro’ Sh. Manoj Sharma V/s M.D, HPSEBL & Others11-07-2019
449 S.M 57/2019
Determination of generic levellised tariffs for Solar PV Projects for first six months of FY 2019-2008-07-2019
450 30/2019
Multi-Year Tariff Order for BASPA II HEP for FY 2019-20 to FY 2023-2429-06-2019
451 31/2019
Multi Year Tariff Order For Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL) FY 2019-20 to FY 2023-2429-06-2019
452 29/2019
Order on True Up for the Period FY 2014-15 to FY 2017-18 & Multi Year Tariff for FY 2019-20 to FY 2023-24 For Himachal Pradesh State Load Despatch Centre (HPSLDC)29-06-2019
453 28/2019
MYT Tariff for HPSEBL for 4th control period (FY2019-20 to FY2023-24) & True Up FY201729-06-2019
454 11/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Goodwill Energy Enterprises V/s HPSEB Ltd, M/s Kut Energy Pvt. Ltd & Others10-06-2019
455 56/2019
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Om Hydropower Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd & Others29-05-2019
Order on Fixing the Rate of Free Power of Govt. of HP to HPSEBL for FY 2019-2015-05-2019
457 23/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Ascent Hydro Project Ltd.26-04-2019
458 38/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Tangling Mini Hydel Power Project V/s HPSEB Ltd & Others25-04-2019
459 16/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Malana Power Company Ltd., HPPTCL & HPSLDC30-03-2019
460 41/2018
Fixation of normative rates for service line for LT connection upto 50 kW/kVA.17-12-2018
461 34/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of the Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost (APPC) for the financial year 2018-19 under REC mechanism26-11-2018
462 25/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Auro Spinning Mills, Laghu Udyog Bharti, Jai Bharat Steel, CII, BBNIA, Parwanoo Industries Association29-10-2018
463 52/2017
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Sahu Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.15-09-2018
464 30/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Karan Synthetic Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.11-09-2018
465 29/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Karan Polypack Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.11-09-2018
466 37/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Radiant Castings Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.06-09-2018
467 39/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Brua Hydrowatt (P) Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.01-09-2018
468 S.M 26/18
Determination of generic levellised tariffs for Solar PV Projects for FY 2018-1925-07-2018
469 9/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Yogindera Power Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.30-06-2018
470 8/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Leond Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd.30-06-2018
471 10/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd30-06-2018
472 22/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Radiant Casting V/s HPSEB Ltd.30-06-2018
473 11/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Puri Oil Mills Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd28-05-2018
474 13/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Haryana Powertech (Project-I) V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others.19-05-2018
475 14/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Haryana Powertech (Project-I) V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others.19-05-2018
4th APR Order for 3rd MYT Period (FY15-19) & Determination of Tariff for FY19 & True Up of FY1604-05-2018
477 7/2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of The Himalaya Power Producers V/s HPSEB Ltd28-04-2018
Order on Fixing the Rate of Free Power of Govt. of HP to HPSEBL for FY 2018-1913-04-2018
479 65/2017
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Renewable Energy Purchase (Non-Solar & Solar) for FY 2016-17 under the provisions of Regulation 4(1) of the HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201707-04-2018
480 70/2017(SM)
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Small Hydro Projects under Regulation 14 of the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) Regulations, 201724-03-2018
481 51/2017
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Himalaya Power Producers Association V/s HPSEB Ltd.23-02-2018
482 72/2017
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Yogindera Power Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.23-02-2018
483 01/2018
Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Solar PV Projects for various duration of FY 2017-1812-02-2018
484 25/2017
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Eligibility of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to Distribution Licensee for Renewable Energy (Non-Solar) purchased beyond Renewable Power Purchase Obligation for FY 2014-15 and matter regarding self-retention of non-solar RECs for FY 2015-16 from available inventory05-01-2018
485 28/2017
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter Determination of Additional Surcharge on Short Term Open Access consumers purchasing power from within/outside the State of HP.30-10-2017
486 31/2017
HPPTCL True Up of FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16 and Mid-Term Review for the FY 2016-17, FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-1906-10-2017
487 26/2017
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter Eligibility of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to Distribution Licensee for Renewable Energy (Solar) purchased beyond Renewable Power Purchase Obligation.05-09-2017
488 40/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Kanchanjunga Power Co. Pvt. Ltd V/s The H.P. Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.19-08-2017
489 32/2017
Determination of the Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost (APPC) for the financial year 2017-18 under REC mechanism.04-08-2017
Determination of Tariff for FY18 & Mid-Term Performance Review 17-04-2017
Order on Fixing the Rate of Free Power of Govt. of HP to HPSEBL for FY 2017-1810-04-2017
492 46/2016
True Up For the Period FY 2011-12 to FY 2013-14 and Mid Term Review10-04-2017
True Up Order For Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL) For the period FY 2011-12 to FY 2013-1410-04-2017
494 91/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Ascent Hydro Power Ltd and Others V/s HPSEB Ltd.14-03-2017
495 30/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited V/s Directorate of Energy14-02-2017
496 35/2016
Determination of the Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost (APPC) for the financial year 2016-17 under REC mechanism.28-10-2016
497 27/2016
Determination of Additional Surcharge on Short Term Open Access consumers28-10-2016
498 31& 32/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Ambuja Cement Ltd, The Nalagarh Industries Association V/s HPSEB Ltd.18-10-2016
499 23/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Petition under Regulation 14 of the HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulations, 2012 for approval of Schedule of Service Connection Charges, containing normative rates of Infrastructural Development Charges10-10-2016
500 26/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s DSL Hydrowatt Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.06-10-2016
501 25/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Mechanism for the Adjustment of Advance Cost Share towards Infrastructural Development Charges (IDC)05-10-2016
502 06/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter The Himalaya Power Producers Association V/s HPSEB Ltd.03-08-2016
503 9/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter M/s Jala Shakti Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others03-08-2016
504 21/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Winsome Textiles Industries Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd.03-08-2016
505 128/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Puri Oil Mills Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.30-07-2016
506 124/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of The Indian Wind Power Association V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others25-07-2016
Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects For FY16-1706-07-2016
508 12/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Ginni Global Private Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd.05-07-2016
509 130/2015
2nd APR Order for 3rd MYT Period (FY15-19) & Determination of Tariff for FY17 & True Up of FY13 & 1425-05-2016
510 25 /2016
Order on Proposed Mechanism for Adjustment of Advance Cost Share towards IDC in Suo-Moto Petition 25/201624-05-2016
Order of Generic Levellised Tariff for MSW/RDF Projects For FY16-1707-05-2016
512 08/2016
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter M/s Four Seasons Power Private Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.03-05-2016
513 109/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Nanal Hydro Power Consultancy (P) Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others30-04-2016
514 29/2010
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Capital Cost and Levelised Tariff for Sarbari-II (5.4) SHP.28-04-2016
515 149/2013
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Capital Cost and Levelised Tariff for Neogal (15MW) SHP28-04-2016
Order on Fixing the Rate of Free Power of Govt. of HP to HPSEBL for FY 2016-1713-04-2016
517 96/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Harisons Hydel Construction Co. Pvt. Ltd V/s HPSEB Ltd.15-03-2016
518 104/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Model Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Solar PV Power Project(s) in the State of Himachal Pradesh.29-02-2016
519 103/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Additional Surcharge on Short Term Open Access consumers purchasing power from within/outside the State of HP18-02-2016
520 102/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Patikari Power Private Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.13-01-2016
521 94/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter The BBN Industries Association V/s HPSEB Ltd.07-01-2016
522 133/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Sarabai Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd06-01-2016
523 86/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of the Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost for FY 2015-16 Under REC Mechanism.07-12-2015
524 90/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Bhavani Renewable Energy Private Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others.19-11-2015
525 90/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Bhavani Renewable Energy Private Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others.19-11-2015
526 198/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s M/s Jala Shakti Limited . V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others.19-09-2015
Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects08-09-2015
Annexures A & B 30-11--0001
528 12/2012
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Mr. P.N Bhardwaj V/s HPSEB Ltd.03-09-2015
529 55/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Manikaran Power Ltd V/s M/s Jaiparkash Power Ventures Ltd31-08-2015
530 77/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of First Annual Performance Review Order for Third MYT Control Period (FY 15 - FY 19) & Determination of Tariff for FY 2015-16.18-08-2015
531 60/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Jaiparkash Power Ventures Ltd., V/s HPSEB Ltd.04-08-2015
532 147/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of The State of HP, thro’SE (I&PH) Nahan, V/s HPSEB Ltd.01-08-2015
533 134/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Satya Sai Hydel Projects Pvt. Ltd.,M/s Kangra Hydro Power Venture (P) Ltd.,& Others, V/s HPSEB Ltd.20-07-2015
534 36/2015
Order on Schedule of Service Connection Charge as per HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity ) Regulation, 201216-07-2015
535 34/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s M/s Yogindera Power Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. 10-07-2015
536 70/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Winsome Textile Ind. Ltd., V/s HPSEB & Others10-07-2015
537 32/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Provisional True-up Petition filed by HPSEBL for Review of the APR order dated 27th April, 2013.03-07-2015
Order on Mechanism for Adjustment of Accelerated/ Additional Depriciation Benefit and Capital Subsidy for SHPs30-06-2015
539 Suo- Motu Petition No. 193/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s K.K.K. Hydro Power Ltd., V/s HPSEB & Others11-06-2015
540 30/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Usaka Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd., HPSEB Ltd.04-06-2015
541 17/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of The H.P. State Electricity Board Ltd., Others & Stakeholders23-05-2015
First Annual Performance Review Order for 3rd MYT Control Period (FY15-19) & Determination of Tariff for FY-16 for HPSEB Ltd.10-04-2015
Revision in the Line Maintenance and Lamp Renewal Charges under “Schedule – Street Lighting Supply” 04-07-2015
543 33/2015
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Raheja Hydel Power Pvt. Ltd., V/s HPSEB Ltd.04-04-2015
544 107/2013
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Sri Radiant Cement (P) Ltd., V/s HPSEB Ltd.04-04-2015
545 178/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Sh. L.K. Mahajan, V/s HPSEB Ltd.04-04-2015
Order on Fixing Rate of Sale of Free Power of Govt. of H.P to HPSEBL For FY-16.31-03-2015
547 171/2014
True Up Order for baspa-II HEP for FY12-14.30-03-2015
548 76/2014
True Up Order for FY-11 and FY-12 for HPSEB Ltd.30-03-2015
549 --
In Matter of Issuance of Certification of Excess of Renewable Energy Procurement beyond RPPO Targets for FY13-14 for Issuance of RE Certificates07-03-2015
550 182/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/sM/s Door Sanchar Hydro Power (P) Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others.03-03-2015
551 211/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s M/s Door Sanchar Hydro Power (P) Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others.03-03-2015
552 223/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Gowthami Hydro Electric Com.(P) Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others.03-03-2015
553 108/2010
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Astha Projects (I) Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd and others. 17-01-2015
554 121/2010
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s M/S DSL Hydrowatt Limited. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others.17-01-2015
555 137/2010
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s M/S Mangalam Energy Development Company Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others.17-01-2015
556 26/2011
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s M/s Sarabai Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. V/s GoHP, HPSEB Ltd. and Others.06-01-2015
557 11,12,14,15,16,30,62, 64,121,108/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEBL V/s M/s Him Kailash Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd, M/s Ginni Global Ltd, M/s Gothawmi Hydro Eletric. Co. (P) Ltd, M/s Nizubeedu Seeds Ltd, M/s Dharamshala Hydro Power Ltd, M/s Harison Hydel Construction Co. (P) Ltd, M/s Ascent Hydro Projects Ltd, M/s Patikari Power Pvt. Ltd, M/s DSL Hydrowatt Limited, M/s Astha Projects (I) Pvt. Ltd, M/s Mangalam Energy Development Co. Pvt. Ltd, M/s Sarabai Enterprises Pvt. Ltd10-09-2014
558 107/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Tangnu Romai Power Generation (P) Ltd. V/s State of H.P and HPSEBL06-09-2014
559 122/2012
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost For FY 2014-15 under REC Mechanism28-08-2014
560 138/2012
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Ambuja Cements Limited. V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others.22-08-2014
561 97/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Amendments in the Model Power Purchase Agreement for Purchase of Power by HPSEBL from Small Hydro Electric Projects.01-08-2014
562 43/14
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Applicability of tariff as per Tariff Order issued by H.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission for the FY 2007-08 – Correct implementation of factory lighting load and colony supply thereof.28-07-2014
563 89/14
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Petition under regulation 14 of the HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulations,2012 for approval of Schedule of Service Connection Charges, containing normative rates of Infrastructure Development Charges14-07-2014
564 22/2013
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Puri Oil Mills Limited. V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others.10-07-2014
565 17/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Four Seasons Power Private Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.09-07-2014
566 115/2013
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Hul Hydro Powers (P) Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others.08-07-2014
567 20/2011
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Usaka Hydro Powers (P)Limited V/s HPSEB Ltd. & Others.05-07-2014
568 141/2013
MYT Tariff for HPSEBL for 3rd Control Period (FY2014-15 to FY2018-19)12-06-2014
569 21/2014
Multi Year Tariff For HPSEBL for Generarion Business For the Period FY-14-15 to 2018-19.10-06-2014
570 140/2013
Multi Year Tariff For HPPTCL For the Period FY-14-15 to 2018-19.10-06-2014
571 98/2014
Multi Year Tariff For HPSLDS For the Period FY-15-19.10-06-2014
572 138/2013&142/2013
Multi Year Tariff For Baspa-II HEP For FY2014-15 to 2018-19.06-06-2014
573 25/2014
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Review of Order on Restating of Design Energy and Reconsideration of Tariff for Small Hydro Power Plants of HPSEB Limited.06-06-2014
Order on Fixing Rate of Free Power of Govt. of H.P to HPSEBL For FY-15.23-05-2014
575 54/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Restating of Design Energy and Reconsideration of Tariff for Small Hydro Power Plants of HPSEB Limited.15-01-2014
576 57/13
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Filing of 2nd APR of 2nd MYT Control Period (FY12-FY14), Revised Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) for the FY 13 and revised projections for FY14 under Section 62 and 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 - Supplementary Bills of BBMB thereof.28-12-2013
577 135/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Ginni Global Private Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others17-12-2013
578 175/09,170/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Nuziveedu Seed Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others17-12-2013
579 143/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S Gowthami Hydro Electric Company (P) Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others17-12-2013
580 142/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S Dharamshala Hydro Power Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others17-12-2013
581 139/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S Him Kailash Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd V/s HPSEB Ltd. and Others17-12-2013
582 116/13
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Sh. L.K. Mahajan, Khalini, Shimla-02 V/s HPSEB Ltd.02-12-2013
583 98/13
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Sri Rama Steels Ltd., V/s HPSEB Ltd.02-12-2013
584 88/13
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Review Petition u/s 94(1) of the Electricity Act, read with regulation 63 of the HPERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2005 for Review of Commission’s Order on True Up for FY12 and Annual Performance Review for FY-14 under the MYT Second Control Period (FY12-14) passed by the Commission on date 27.04.2013 in case No. 176/201226-11-2013
585 170/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Petition for removal of difficulties on the Security Regulations, 2005,in the regulations 4 (4) for Security deposit for supply of electricity by HPSEB Ltd.19-11-2013
586 19/11
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.08-10-2013
587 91/13
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Joint Petition under the provision of Section 86(1)(b) of the Electricity Act, 2003, for seeking the approval of the short/medium term “Supplementary Power Purchase Agreement (under REC Mechanism)”to be executed by the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited with M/s Usaka Hydro Power (P) Limited in respect of Suman Sarwari Hydro Electric Project (Additional capacity of 2.5 MW from 2nd Unit).07-08-2013
588 Suo-Moto Case no. 93(A)/2013
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulation, 201029-07-2013
Generic Levellised Tariff for Small Hydro Projects 20-05-2013
Category -I (Above 100 kW - 2 MW): Appendix A Sheet I-V30-11--0001
Category -I (Above 100 kW - 2 MW): Appendix A Sheet VI-VII30-11--0001
Category -II (Above 2 MW - 5 MW):Appendix B Sheet I-V30-11--0001
Category -II (Above 2 MW - 5 MW):Appendix B Sheet VI-VII30-11--0001
Category -III (Above 5 MW - 25 MW):Appendix C Sheet I-V30-11--0001
Category -III (Above 5 MW - 25 MW):Appendix C Sheet VI-VII30-11--0001
Appendix D 30-11--0001
590 172/2012
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of approval of Schedule of Service Connection Charges, containing normative rates of Infrastructure Development Charges to be recovered30-04-2013
True Up For FY-12 and APR for FY-14 Under 2nd MYT Period for HPSEBL.27-04-2013
Order on Fixing Rate of Free Power of Govt. of H.P to HPSEBL For FY-14.26-04-2013
593 171/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Petition for Removal of difficulties on the Terms and Conditions for Wheeling and Retail Supply Tariff Regulations, 2011 in the Regulation 32 for Working Capital for Retail Supply Business by HPSEBL16-03-2013
594 133/11
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of The levy of additional tariff on Industrial Consumers of Baddi, Barotiwala and Nalagarh area affected by damage of transformer at Katha, Baddi on 4th August, 2009.16-02-2013
595 128/11
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Petition under section 62 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for Annual Performance Review of FY 2012-13 during Multi Year Tariff Control Period 2011-12 to 2013-14 by HPPTCL05-01-2013
596 125/11
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Filing of Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) of State Load Despatch Centre for the MYT Control Period (FY12 – FY14) under section 32 and 86 of the Electricity Act, 200305-01-2013
597 123/11
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. for seeking amendment in the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations, 2004 and Multi Year Tariff Order dated 19.7.201105-01-2013
598 158/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Application for Review of the Order Dated 31.08.2012 passed in Petition No. 134/2012 and MA No. 101/2012 in 135/2011 for the tariff for 300 MW BASPA II Hydro Power Plant, by M/s Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd V/s HPSEB Ltd.29-12-2012
599 133/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. V/s M/s Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd., for the Clarification / Review of True Up Order dated 23rd April, 2012 in respect of truing up of tariff for sale of power from Baspa-II, 300MW HEP to HPSEBL for the First Control Period (FY09 – FY11).29-12-2012
600 105/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Baddi Barotiwala Nalagarh Industries Association, Parwanoo Industries Association, Kala Amb Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Federation of Himachal Industries, V/s HPSEB Ltd. in matter of Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2005, for Review of the 1st APR Order for 2nd MYT Control Period dated 24th April 201227-12-2012
601 82,88,122/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S Himachal Chamber of Commerce and Industry, M/S Kala Amb Chamber of Commerce and Industry, M/S Baddi Barotiwala Nalagarh Industries Association (BBNIA) V/s HPSEB Ltd.27-12-2012
602 155/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S IQU Hydro Power Company Pvt Ltd V/s HPSEB Ltd.18-12-2012
603 144/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Mani Mahesh Hydro Power Project Coop Society Ltd. & M/s Him Kailash Hydro Power Ltd V/s HPSEB Ltd.27-11-2012
604 89/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd. for Review of the True-Up Order of FY 2010-11, 1st APR Order for 2nd MYT Control Period and Tariff Order for FY 20121-13 dated 24th April 201223-10-2012
605 120/11
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited, Solan (H.P.). V/s HPSEB Ltd.21-09-2012
First APR Order For MYT Period (FY 12-14) and Determination of Tariff for FY 13.24-04-2012
True Up Order for 1st MYT Control Period (FY 09-11) of Baspa-II.23-04-2012
Order on Fixing Rate of Free Power of Govt. of H.P to HPSEBL For FY-1223-04-2012
609 3/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of BBN Industries Association V/s HPSEB Ltd.03-03-2012
610 6/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s IQU Hydro Power Co. Ltd, Kangra H.P V/s HPSEB Ltd.18-02-2012
611 7 & 8/12
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Neogal Power Co. Pvt. Ltd. and M/s Awa Power Co. Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd.18-02-2012
612 127/11
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Draft PPA Under REC Mechanism for Power Purchase on Average Pooled Cost on Short and Medium Terms07-01-2012
613 81-83/11
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of The Govt. of Himachal Pradesh V/s Himachal Small Hydro Power Association and others24-10-2011
614 224/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Subsidy to be Provided by Govt. of H.P on Account of Rollback of Tariff in respect of Domestic and WIPS Categories.20-07-2011
Multi Year Tariff For H P State Electricity Board Ltd for FY 12 to FY 14 19-07-2011
616 225/2010
Multi Year Tariff For Baspa-II for FY 12 to FY 1415-07-2011
617 245/2010
Multi Year Tariff For H P Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. for FY 12 to FY 1414-07-2011
618 171/2010
Order for Determination of Capital Cost of Larji HEP (126 MW) and other related issues07-07-2011
Order on "Pooled Power Purchase Cost" of HPSEB Ltd. for FY 2011-1214-06-2011
620 214/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Patikari Power Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEBL14-06-2011
621 11/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s JPVL, Waknaghat Dist. Solan H.P V/s HPSEB Ltd.,GoHP (H.P)24-01-2011
622 89/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Himachal Small Hydro Power Association of IPP, New shimla (H.P) V/s HPSEB Ltd., Himurja, GoHP (H.P)24-01-2011
623 28/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Gowthami Hydro Electric Company (P) ltd. Secunderabad V/s HPSEB Ltd., Shimla24-01-2011
624 174/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Tissa Power Transmission Pvt. Ltd., Shimla, H.P V/s HPSEB Ltd., Shimla, (H.P)22-01-2011
625 81/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Astha Project India Ltd. (HP) V/s HPSEB Ltd., Shimla23-11-2010
626 210/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Jai Bharat Steel industries, Sirmour (HP) V/s HPSEB Ltd., Shimla28-08-2010
627 Suo-motu Case No. 148/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Violation of regulation 3(4) (a)(ii) and 3(6) of the HPERC (Guidelines for The Establishment of Forum for the Redressal of Grievances of Consumers), Regulation,200328-08-2010
628 51/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s India Steel, Sirmour (HP) V/s HPSEB Ltd., Shimla and Others23-08-2010
629 7/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s A.T Hydro Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi V/s HPSEB Ltd., Shimla and Others23-08-2010
630 8/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Cimron Construction Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB Ltd., Shimla and Others23-08-2010
631 82/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Valley Iron and Steel Co Ltd., Sirmour (HP) V/s HPSEB Ltd., Shimla23-08-2010
632 16/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Batot Hydro Power, Mumbai, M/s Jala Shakti Ltd.,H.P, M/s belij Hydro power ltd.(AP),M/s Almi Hydro,Mumbai, M/s Brahi Hydro, Mumbai, M/s Gehra Hydro,(AP) V/s HPSEB Ltd and HPPTCL, Shimla20-08-2010
633 193/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Regent Energy Ltd., New Delhi V/s HPSEB Ltd and Others20-08-2010
634 184/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Astha Projects (india) Ltd., New Delhi V/s HPSEB Ltd and Others20-08-2010
635 183/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Sri Sai Krishna Hydro Energies Pvt. Ltd., Hydrabad (AP) V/s HPSEB Ltd and Others20-08-2010
636 83/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Sai Engineering foundation Shimla, M/s Tangling Mini Hydal Power Project, Shimla V/s HPSEB Ltd., HPPTCL and Others31-07-2010
637 85/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of HPSEB Ltd., Shimla V/s Small Hydro Power Projects and Others31-07-2010
638 32/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of H.P Power Transmission Corporation Ltd., Shimla for the Grant of Transmission Licence in the State of H.P31-07-2010
639 Suo-Motto
Order on Amendment of Model PPA of Small Hydro Power Project up to 5 MW26-07-2010
640 138/2010
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd V/s HPSEB14-07-2010
641 194/2009
Consequential Order to give effect to Subsidy in the Tariff for FY 2011 of Control Period FY 09 -1125-06-2010
642 91/09, 168/09, 176/09 & 179/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter HPSEB V/s Jai Prakash Hydro power Limited, Distt. Solan23-06-2010
643 194/2009
Determination of Tariff for FY 2011 of Control Period FY 09 -1110-06-2010
644 43/08 &209/009
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Harisons Hydel Construction Co (P) Ltd, Distt. Kullu (H.P.) V/s HPSEB, H.P Govt and HIMURJA10-06-2010
645 53/08 & 5/10
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Him Kailash Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd, Andhra Pradesh V/s HPSEB, H.P Govt and HIMURJA08-06-2010
646 5/09 &212/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/S Mangalam Energy Development Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi V/s HPSEB, H.P Govt and HIMURJA08-06-2010
Order on Fixing Rate of Sale of Free Power of GoHP to HPSEB Ltd. for FY1107-06-2010
648 97/08 & 208/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Dharamshala Hydro Power Ltd, Hyderabad V/s HPSEB, H.P Govt and HIMURJA05-06-2010
649 267/08 &206/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Ascent Hydro Projects Ltd, Mumbai V/s HPSEB, H.P Govt and HIMURJA22-05-2010
650 62/08 & 207/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Astha Projects (I) Pvt. Ltd New Delhi V/s HPSEB, H.P Govt and HIMURJA22-05-2010
651 70/08 & 202/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Ginni Global Private Ltd, New Delhi V/s HPSEB, H.P Govt and HIMURJA22-05-2010
652 11/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s DSL Hydrowatt Limited,Industrial Area Baddi, Distt. Solan (H.P.) V/s HPSEB, H.P Govt and HIMURJA13-05-2010
653 173 / 08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter Subsidy to be provided by the Govt. of H.P on account of rollack of Tariff in respect of Domestic & WIPS categories in the HPSEB schedule of Tariff, 2009 approved in the First Annual Performance review Order for MYT Period (FY09-11), in accordance with Section 65 of EA,2003- Issue of Consequential Orders V/s HPSEB20-02-2010
Supplementary Orders on Small Hydro Projects up to 5 MW Tariff and other related issues.10-02-2010
Orders on Implementation of APTEL Judgement in Apeal No. 50/2008 and 65/2008 in respect of SHP up to 5 MW09-02-2010
656 92 / 2009
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Batot Hydro Power Ltd. and Others V/s HPSEB and HPPCL21-12-2009
657 151 / 04
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/s Uttaranchal Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. Dehradun. Dehradun.V/s HPSEB, UPCL and UPJVNL11-12-2009
658 115 / 09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S Kapil Mohan & Associates Hydro Power Private Ltd.,Solan H.P V/s HPSEB and HPPTCL, Shimla11-12-2009
659 136 / 09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter M/S Vamshi Hydro Energies Private Ltd.,Hyderabad (A.P) V/s HPSEB and Other10-12-2009
HPERC Determination of Open Access Charges Order. 200925-11-2009
661 11/08, 20/2008, 21/2008, 43/08, 53/08,62/2008, 70/
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S DSL Hydrowatt Limited, Baddi, Solan, M/S Jala Shakti Limited, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, M/S Harison Hydel Construction Co (P) Ltd , Kullu (H.P.), M/S Him Kailash Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd, Andhra Pradesh, M/s Astha Projects (I) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, M/S Ginni Global Ltd, New Delhi, M/S Dharamshala Hydro Power Ltd, Hyderabad, M/S Virender Dogra Power Projects (P) Ltd, Pathankot (Punjab), M/S Patikari Power Pvt. Ltd, Shimla, M/S Ascent Hydro Projects Ltd, Mumba29-10-2009
662 124 / 09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Compliance of direction No. 9.4.19 contained in Tariff Order for HPSEB for FY 2004-05 to review the justification for 400 kV Transmission Line from Nalagarh to Kunihar and 400 kV Sub-station at Kunihar. 16-10-2009
663 101/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Removal of Difficulties in the Implementation of the Direction No. (Employee Cost) of the Tariff Order for 2004-05., HPSEB Shimla 16-09-2009
664 46/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S Himalayan International Ltd., Poanta Sahib, Sirmaur (H.P) V/s HPSEB 16-09-2009
665 83/2009
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/s Jaiprakash Hydro Power Limited, Waknaghat, Solan (H.P) V/s HPSEB 10-09-2009
666 149/2009
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S B.B.N. Industries Association, Industrial Area, Baddi, Solan (H.P) V/s HPSEB 29-08-2009
667 85/2009
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of M/S Sri Rama Steels Ltd., Bated Barotiwala, Distt. Solan V/s HPSEB 29-08-2009
668 250/08
Determination of Tariff for FY 2010 of Control Period FY 09 -1124-08-2009
Order on Fixing the Rate of Sale of Free Power of GoHP to H.P State Electricity Board For FY 2010.21-08-2009
670 175/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Approval for Supply of Power to Power intensive Units in Himachal Pradesh. 11-08-2009
671 255/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Compliance of direction No. 9.4.19 contained in Tariff Order for HPSEB for FY 2004-05 to review the justification for 400 kV transmission line from Nalagarh to Kunihar and 400 kV Sub-station at Kunihar and HPSEB.25-05-2009
672 138/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB V/s Irrigation and Public Health Department, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh23-05-2009
673 48/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Removal of Difficulties In HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure For Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2005.16-05-2009
674 265/08 & 59/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Contravention of HPERC (Distribution Licensee's Standarad of Performance) Regulation 2005, Issued on 3rd November 2005 Under Section 181, Read with Section 57, 58, 59 and 86 of Electricity Act 2003.30-04-2009
675 256/07
Determination of Multi year Tariff for Baspa II HEP For FY 2009-1130-03-2009
676 23/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Suo Mottu Notice to Chief Engineer (Trans.) Hamirpur16-03-2009
677 27/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Suo Mottu Notice to Director HIMURJA Shimla16-03-2009
678 26/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter Suo Mottu Notice to Chief Engineer (Op South) HPSEB Shimla 16-03-2009
679 25/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Suo Mottu Notice to Chief Engineer (S) HPSEB Shimla 16-03-2009
680 24/09
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Suo Mottu Notice to Chief Engineer (PSP) HPSEB Shimla16-03-2009
681 279/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Amendment In Model PPA (Approved in Case No. 2 / 2002) For SHEP Up To 5 MW Including 5 MW Capacity Being Executed By IPP in Private Sector in the State of Himachal Pradesh06-03-2009
682 205/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB V/s M/s Padmavati Steels Ltd., Village johron, kala Amb , Distt. Sirmour24-02-2009
683 212/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB V/s M/s Rama Steels Ltd., Barotiwala, Distt. Solan24-02-2009
684 211/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB V/s M/s Chandigarh Iron & Steels Company Ltd., Barotiwala, Distt. Solan24-02-2009
685 44/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s A. Power Himalayas Ltd., Paonta Sahib, Sirmour V/s HPSEB23-01-2009
686 174/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Dharamshala Hydro power Ltd., Hyderabad V/s HPSEB23-01-2009
687 156/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Jaiswal Metals Pvt. Ltd.,Kala Amb, Sirmour V/s HPSEB23-01-2009
688 150/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s A.T. Hydro Power Ltd., Hyderabad and m/s Cimaron Constructions Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad and Traila Power Ltd. Hyderabad V/s HPSEB23-01-2009
689 200/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Kapil Mohan & Associate Hydro power (P) Ltd. Chandigarh V/s HPSEB23-01-2009
690 239/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Delay in Completion and Cost Escalation of HPSEB Khauli (12 MW) Hydro Project in Kangra District.16-09-2008
691 120/2008
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Petition under clause (f) of sub-section of section 94 of the Elctricity Act 2003 for the Review of order dated 5-4-2008 passed in Suo-Moto case no 49/2007 imposing penalties for non- compliance/ contravention of HPERC (Distribution Licence's Standard of Performance) Regulation, 2005 issued on 3rd Nov. 2003 under section 181.02-09-2008
692 260/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Morepan Laborateries Ltd Parwanoo V/s HPSEB30-08-2008
693 262/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Morepan Laborateries Ltd Parwanoo V/s HPSEB30-08-2008
694 274/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/ s Rama Steel Ltd. Barotiwala, Solan V/s HPSEB30-08-2008
695 273/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Chandigarh Iron And Steel Company Pvt. Ltd Barotiwala, Solan V/s HPSEB30-08-2008
696 219/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Padmavati Steel Ltd. Kala Amb Sirmaur V/s HPSEB22-08-2008
697 115/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Approval of PPA to be executed by HPSEB with M/s Chirchind Hydro Power Ltd. situated in District Chamba.( H.P), in respect of Chirchind 5.0 MW Capacity.31-05-2008
698 110/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Approval of PPA to be executed by HPSEB with M/s Chirchind Hydro Power Ltd. situated in District Chamba.( H.P), in respect of Kurehed 4.5 MW Capacity.31-05-2008
699 109/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Approval of PPA to be executed by HPSEB with M/s Himaachal Hydel Projects (P) Ltd. situated in District Chamba.( H.P), in respect of Tulang 3.0 MW Capacity.31-05-2008
700 108/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Approval of PPA to be executed by HPSEB with M/s Trident Power Systems Ltd. situated in District Mandi.( H.P), in respect of Lower - Uhl 5.0 MW Capacity. 31-05-2008
701 107/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Approval of PPA to be executed by HPSEB with M/s Traila Power Ltd. situated in Chamba.( H.P), in respect of Traila -III 5.0 MW Capacity. 31-05-2008
702 96/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Approval of PPA to be executed by HPSEB with M/s Watermillers Power Company (P) Ltd. situated in District Kullu. ( H.P), in respect of Chhor 1.0 MW Capacity. 31-05-2008
MYT- Tariff Order for FY 2009-2011 30-05-2008
704 242/06
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Himalaya International Ltd. V/s HPSEB.24-05-2008
705 79,80,81,81,83/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter for filling up of Propsed Tariff for Financial Year 2005-06 to 2008-09 for Chibro, Dhakrani,Khodri, Dhalipur, Kulhal, V/s. HPSEB & Others07-05-2008
706 86/08
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Jwalaji Alloy Pvt. Ltd. Jasoor, Kangra V/s HPSEB.03-05-2008
707 175/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Time Technoplast Ltd. Baddi, Solan V/s HPSEB.30-04-2008
708 146/04
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Sh. Bishan Chauhan of Cemetry Road Sanjauli, Shimla V/s HPSEB.30-04-2008
709 109/04
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Emm Tex Synthetics Ltd. Nalagarh Solan V/s HPSEB.30-04-2008
710 89/05
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Mehatpur Industries Association, Una V/s HPSEB.30-04-2008
711 32/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Coral Health Crae Pvt.Ltd. Parwanoo V/s HPSEB.30-04-2008
712 246/06
True Up Order For Tariff Order of FY 2006-2007.29-04-2008
713 98/06
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s.A.T Hydro Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB.15-03-2008
714 97/06
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Cimaron Construction Pvt. Ltd. V/s HPSEB.15-03-2008
715 196/05
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Claridge Moulded Fibre Ltd. V/s HPSEB.15-03-2008
716 242,243/06
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Himalaya International Ltd. Subh Khera, Paonta, Distt. Sirmour V/s HPSEB and Others.07-03-2008
717 139/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Sai Engineering Foundation New shimla V/s HPSEB Shimla and Others.25-02-2008
718 75/07 & 94/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s. Jaiprakash Hydro Power ltd. Waknaghat, Solan V/s HPSEB Shimla .07-02-2008
719 160/06
Order on Review Petition in Respect of ARR(Annual Revenue Requirement) for 2006-2007.30-01-2008
720 230/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Auro Spinning Mills Baddi, Solan V/s HPSEB.04-01-2008
721 135/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s H.M Steel Kala Amb, Sirmour, M/s J.B Rolling Mills (P) Ltd, Kala Amb, Sirmour, M/s Sri Rama Steel Ltd,Barotiwala Distt. Solan V/s HPSEB.04-01-2008
Commission's Order on Small Hydro Power Projects - Tariff & Others Issues.18-12-2007
723 213/07
With Regard to the Compliance of Direction issued in Tariff order for Year 2001-02 and further upheld by the APTEL Vide Appeal No. 21/7.15-12-2007
724 245/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Deluxe Enterprises, Nalagarh, Solan V/s HPSEB15-12-2007
725 118/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Auro Spinning Mills Baddi, Solan V/s Secretary (Power) H.P Govt & Others01-12-2007
726 168/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of M/s Himachal Aquaculture Farms UNA(Gagret), V/s HPSEB and Others17-11-2007
727 149/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB V/s M/s Amar Roller Flour Mills Parwanoo, Solan.17-11-2007
728 117/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB V/s M/s Ambuja Cements Ltd. Darlaghat, Solan.19-10-2007
729 92/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB V/s M/s Gujrat Ambuja Cements Ltd. Darlaghat, Solan.19-10-2007
730 173/06,113/07 (Review)
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB V/s M/s H.M. Steel Ltd. Kala Amb25-08-2007
731 93/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of HPERC (Guidelines for establishment of Forum for redressal of grievances of Consumers) regulation 2003- notice under section 142 of Electricity Act 2003.25-08-2007
732 Suo Motu Case No. 20/07
Hon'ble HPERC in matter of President Mehatpur Industries association V/s HPSEB04-08-2007
733 Execution Petition No. 136/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in matter of M/s H.M. Steels Ltd. V/s HPSEB16-06-2007
734 91/07
Before Hon'ble HPERC in matter of HPSEB V/s M/s Super Plateck Ltd.26-05-2007
735 180/ 2006
Before Hon'ble HPERC in matter Government of Himachal Pradesh (IP&H Deptt.) V/s HPSEB, Shimla26-05-2007
Tariff Order for FY 2007-08 16-04-2007
737 173/06
Before Hon'ble HPERC in matter of M/s H.M. Steel V/s HPSEB30-03-2007
738 255/06
Before the Hon’ble HPERC in the matter of M/S Himalya Vege Fruits Ltd v/s HPSEB24-03-2007
739 250/06
Before the Hon’ble HPERC in the matter of M/S Chlorates v/s HPSEB24-03-2007
740 242 & 243/06
Before the Hon’ble HPERC in the matter of M/S Himalya International Ltd v/s HPSEB24-03-2007
741 338/05
HPERC ORDER-1 OF 2007 (Order regarding prior approval of investments)24-02-2007
742 Review No. 214/06 in 181/04
Before Hon'ble HPERC in matter of HPSEB v/s M/s Amba Metals Ltd, M/s J.B Rolling Mills (P) Ltd, M/s H.M Steel Ltd, Kala Amb and Others17-01-2007
743 181/04
Before the Hon’ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB Vs BBN Industries Association and others17-01-2007
744 4/2006
Before the Hon’ble HPERC in the matter of HPSEB Vs M/s Rupana Paper Mills (P) Ltd.17-01-2007
Interim Order on compliance of directions on Tariff Order06-01-2007
746 205/06
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla M/s Sri Rama Steels Ltd. v/s HPSEB 25-11-2006
747 345/05
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter of regarding submission of status report on implementation of directions-cum-advisories given to the HPSEB 18-11-2006
748 338/06
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter of M/s JP Hydro Power Ltd. v/s HPSEB18-11-2006
749 338/05
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter of M/s Jayprakash Hydro Power Ltd. v/s HPSEB28-10-2006
750 182/06
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter of subsidy to be provided by the Govt. of HP13-10-2006
751 28/06
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter of UJVNL v/s HPSEB16-09-2006
752 338/05
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in M/s Jayprakash Hydro Power Ltd. v/s HPSEB08-09-2006
753 179/06
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter of M/s Sri Rama Steels v/s HPSEB09-08-2006
754 317/05
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla sou- moto notice to HPSEB09-08-2006
755 358/05
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla sou- moto notice to HPSEB09-08-2006
756 303/05
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla sou- moto notice to HPSEB09-08-2006
Tariff order for FY 2006-0703-07-2006
758 334/05
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter Contravention of HPERC (Recovery of expenditure for supply of electricity) Regulations 200517-06-2006
759 28/06
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter dispute between UJVNL & HPSEB17-06-2006
760 268/05
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter Parwanoo Industries Association and M/s Confederation of Indian Industary v/s HPSEB17-06-2006
761 04/2006
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter M/s Rupana Paper Mills (p) Ltd. v/s HPSEB17-06-2006
762 359/05
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla M/s Ashoka Alloys v/s HPSEB22-04-2006
763 23/06
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla in the matter of HPSEB review of impugned order of 04-01-200622-04-2006
764 197/04
Before the Hon’ble HP Electricity Regulatory Commission at Shimla Sou Mottu show cause notice to HPSEB22-04-2006
765 303/05
Before the Hon'ble HPERC at Shimla Order on Security Deposit Regulations 200509-12-2005
766 334/05
Before the Hon'ble HPERC at Shimla Order on Recovery of expenditure for supply of electricity Regulation 200509-12-2005
767 315/05
Before the Hon'ble HPERC at Shimla Order on Clarification on Recovery of Expenditure 31-10-2005
Tariff order for FY 2005-06 06-05-2005
Corrigenda to the Tariff Order 2005-0629-06-2005
769 34/2003
In the matter of Complaint Handling Mechanism and Procedure notified by the Commission vide its Order No. HPERC/010/2002 dated 8th Feb., 200312-12-2003
770 Suo Motu 1-7/2003
In the matter of Tariff Order dated 29-10-2001 for the determination of Annual Revenue Requirement, Transmission & Bulk Supply Tariff and Distribution & Retail Supply Tariff for the Financial Year 2001-2002 and Contravention of Directions thereof18-10-2003
771 8-15/2003
In the matter of Execution of the Power Purchase Agreement by HPSEB with M/s Veecon IPA Gastechnik Ltd,M/s Astha Projects,M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt. Ltd & others26-09-2003
772 17/2003
In the matter of A.J.Singh, Headmaster, Pinegrove School Kasauli Road, Dharampur V/s HPSEB Shimla02-07-2003
773 186/02
In the matter of Filing of Petition for the approval of wheeling charges being levied on account of transmission of power within the State from Malana Hydro Electric Project in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh27-08-2002
774 191/02
In the matter of Inox Air Products Ltd, Barotiwala V/s Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board27-08-2002
775 07-13/02
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on March 23, 2002 for contravention of direction No. 7.13 of Tariff order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
776 14-20/2002
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on March 26,2002 for contravention of direction No.7.28 of Tariff Order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
777 21-27/2002
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on 27th March, 2002 for contravention of direction No. 7.31 of Tariff Order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
778 28-34/2002
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on March 30, 2002 for contravention of direction No. 7.14 of Tariff order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
779 35-41/2002
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on March 30, 2002 for contravention of direction No. 7.9 & 7.10 of Tariff order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
780 77-83/02
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on April 30,2002 for contravention of direction No.7.5 of Tariff Order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
781 84-90/02
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on April 30,2002 for contravention of direction No.7.11 of Tariff Order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
782 91-97/02
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on April 30, 2002 for contravention of direction No.7.4 of Tariff Order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
783 100-106/02
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on May 15,2002 for contravention of direction No.7.18 of Tariff Order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
784 107-113/02
Suo moto notice under Section 45 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 (14 of 1998) issued on May 15, 2002 for contravention of direction No.7.26 of Tariff Order dated October 29, 200117-08-2002
785 192/2002
In matter of Filing of Petition for approval of Energy Banking Arrangement already entered into by HPSEB with other State Electricity Boards/Electric Utilities14-08-2002
786 03/02
In the matter of Parwanoo Industries Association (PIA) V/s Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board, Complaint under Clauses 12 & 27 (xvi) falling under Chapter-IV of Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 200103-08-2002
787 Misc. Comp. 99/02
In the matter of M/s Gujarat Ambuja Cements Limited (GACL) V/s HPSEB03-08-2002
Tariff order for FY 2004-0529-05-2002
789 03/2001
790 01/02
In the matter of PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry V/s Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board ,Complaint under clause 12 & 27 (xvi) failing under chapter IV of HPERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations 2001 &19-01-2002
Tariff order for FY 2001-0203-05-2001