
Keyword Sat, Mar 29th, 2025
Sr.No. Description Date Of Issue
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Green Energy Open Access and Banking) Regulations, 202417-12-2024
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Green Energy Open Access and Banking) Regulations, 202417-12-2024
HPERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2024.29-10-2024
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2024.29-10-2024
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Hydro Generation Tariff) Regulations, 202405-06-2024
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Hydro Generation Tariff) Regulations, 202405-06-2024
HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 202420-05-2024
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC ( Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 202420-05-2024
HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) (First Amendment) Regulations, 202528-01-2025
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) (First Amendment) Regulations, 202522-01-2025
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 202314-03-2024
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 202314-03-2024
HPERC (Multi Year Wheeling Tariff & Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 202329-11-2023
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC(Multi Year Wheeling Tariff & Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 202329-11-2023
HPERC (Formats for Multi Year Tariff Filings by the Distribution Licensee) Order, 202315-12-2023
MYT filing formats15-12-2023
HPERC (Compensation to Victims of Electrical Accidents) Regulations, 202322-07-2023
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Compensation to Victims of Electrical Accidents) Regulations, 202322-07-2023
HPERC (Transmission Performance Standards) Regulations, 202302-03-2023
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Transmission Performance Standards) Regulations, 202302-03-2023
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 202324-02-2023
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 202322-02-2023
Order w.r.t HPERC (Fees and Charges Applicable for the Services of State Agency) Order, 202323-03-2023
HPERC (Power System Development Fund) Regulations, 202022-08-2020
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Power System Development Fund) Regulations, 202022-08-2020
Notification Regarding Monitoring Committee23-03-2021
Notification Regarding Appraisal Committee23-03-2021
HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 201816-10-2018
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 201816-10-2018
HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201929-06-2019
HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202108-09-2021
Order w.r.t Finalisation HPERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202107-09-2001
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) Regulations, 201716-11-2017
Statement of Reason w.r.t HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) Regulations, 201715-11-2017
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201805-07-2018
Order w.r.t. HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201805-07-2018
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 201928-01-2019
Order w.r.t HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions forTariff Determination) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 201924-01-2019
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201911-11-2019
Order w.r.t HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions forTariff Determination) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201911-11-2019
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 202008-09-2020
Order w.r.t HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 202008-09-2020
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 202020-11-2020
Statement of Reason w.r.t HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 202019-11-2020
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 202327-01-2023
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Sixth Amendment), Regulations, 2023.27-01-2023
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 202322-09-2023
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 202322-09-2023
HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive Systems based on Net Metering) Regulations, 201531-07-2015
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive Systems based on Net Metering) Regulations, 2015 30-11-2016
HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201806-11-2018
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201806-11-2018
HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering) Order, 201930-03-2019
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering) Order, 201930-03-2019
HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202214-09-2022
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC Draft HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202214-09-2022
HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202412-06-2024
Order w.r.t. HPERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive System) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202412-06-2024
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Sharing of Cost of Terminal Benefits of Personnel of the erstwhile Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board and Successor Entities) Regulations, 2015.31-03-2015
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Sharing of Cost of Terminal Benefits of Personnel of the erstwhile Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board and Successor Entities) Regulations, 2015. 30-11-2016
HPERC (Reporting System on Power Regulatory Accounting) Regulations 201422-12-2014
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Reporting System on Power Regulatory Accounting) Regulations 2014 30-11-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) Regulations, 201318-04-2013
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) Regulations, 2013 30-11-2016
Corrigendum w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) Regulations 2013 30-11-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) (First Amendment) Regulations, 202015-02-2020
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) (First Amendment) Regulations, 202015-02-2020
HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202027-06-2020
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202027-06-2020
HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202102-12-2021
HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 202527-01-2024
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Staff) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 202522-01-2025
HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) Regulations 201323-01-2013
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) Regulations 201330-11-2016
HPERC (Salary and other Allowances of the Nominated Independent Member of the Consumers Grievances Redressal Forum) Order,2013.30-11-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Appointment of Electricity Ombudsman) Order, 201404-01-2014
Hon'ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh Stayed the operation of Regulation 24 of HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) Regulations 201308-01-2014
Himachal Pradesh Electricity Ombudsman (Terms and Conditions of Service of Employees ) Order, 201421-01-2014
Notification for Repealing of HPERC (Ombudsman Terms & Conditions of Services of Officers & Employees ) Regulations 2004. 21-01-2014
HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201926-11-2019
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201923-11-2019
HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202220-01-2022
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum and Ombudsman) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202218-01-2022
HPERC (Salary and other Allowances of the nominated Independent Member of the Additional Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum) Order, 202217-03-2022
Notification of Independent Member of the Addl. Forum for Redressal of Grievances of HPSEBL Consumers14-09-2022
HPERC (Salary and other Allowances of the Nominated Independent Member of the Additional Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum) Order, 202302-12-2023
Notification of Independent Member of the Addl. Forum for Redressal of Grievances of HPSEBL Consumers24-06-2023
Notification of Independent Member of the Addl. Forum for Redressal of Grievances of HPSEBL Consumers11-07-2023
Notification of Independent Member of the Additional Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum (ACGRF) at Operation Circle Dalhousie16-03-2024
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff, Regulation, 201217-12-2012
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Promotion of Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff, Regulation 201230-11-2016
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) (First Amendment) Regulation, 201511-02-2015
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) (Second Amendment) Regulation, 201611-04-2016
Order w.r.t finalisation of HPERC (Promotion of Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) (Second Amendment) Regulation 2016 30-11-2016
HPERC (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201731-03-2017
HPERC( Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity ) Regulation,2012.18-05-2012
Statement for Objects and Reasons18-05-2012
Notification Regarding Fixation of Normative Infrastructure Development Charges29-05-2012
Notification Regarding Fixation of Normative Infrastructure Development Charges07-01-2013
HPERC( Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity ) (First Amendment ) Regulation,2015 along with Order22-07-2015
HPERC( Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity ) (Second Amendment ) Regulation,2015 along with Order21-09-2015
HPERC( Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity ) (Third Amendment ) Regulation,2015 along with Order 19-10-2015
HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 201805-09-2018
Order w.r.t. HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity)(Fifth Amendment)Regulations, 201805-09-2018
HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity)(Fourth Amendment)Regulations, 201723-01-2017
Order w.r.t HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity)(Fourth Amendment)Regulations, 201721-01-2017
Order w.r.t. Approval of Schedule of Service Connection Charges, containing normative rates of Infrastructural Development Charges (IDC) to be recovered.05-06-2024
HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 202405-08-2024
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 202405-08-2024
HPERC( Demand Side Management ) Regulation,201130-09-2011
HPERC ( Levy and Collection of Fees and Charges by State Load Despatch Centre) Regulations, 201128-05-2011
Statement for Objects and Reasons 31-05-2011
Notification of Multi Year Control Period 31-05-2011
HPERC (Format for Multi Year Tariff Fillings by Power System Operation Company/ State Load Despatch Centre) Order,201131-05-2011
MYT filing formats30-11-2016
HPERC (Levy and Collection of Fees and Charges by State Load Despatch Centre) (First Amendment) Regulation,201301-11-2013
Notification of Multi Year Control Period30-11-2016
HPERC (Format for Multi Year Tariff Fillings by Power System Operation Company/ State Load Despatch Centre) Order,201330-11-2016
MYT filing formats30-11-2016
HPERC (Levy and Collection of Fees and Charges by State Load Despatch Centre) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2018.22-11-2018
Statement of Reasons HPERC (Levy and Collection of Fees and Charges by State Load Despatch Centre) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 201822-11-2018
Notification of Multi Year Control Period27-09-2023
HPERC (Levy and Collection of Fees and Charges by State Load Despatch Centre) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202430-08-2024
Order w.r.t. finalisation of HPERC (Levy and Collection of Fees and Charges by State Load Despatch Centre) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202430-08-2024
HPERC ( Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) Regulations, 2011. 01-04-2011
Notification of Multi Year Control Period for the Transmission Licencee02-04-2011
HPERC (Format for Multi Year Tariff Fillings by the Transmission licencee) Order,201130-11-2016
MYT filing formats 30-11-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) (First Amendment) Regulation,201301-11-2013
Notification of Multi Year Control Period30-11-2016
HPERC (Format for Multi Year Tariff Fillings by Transmission licencee) Order,2013 30-11-2016
MYT filing formats30-11-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 201822-11-2018
Statement of Reasons HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 201822-11-2018
Notification w.r.t Development of Intra–State Transmission System through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process in the State of Himachal Pradesh21-05-2022
Order w.r.t. Development of Intra–State Transmission System through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process in the State of Himachal Pradesh21-05-2022
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202302-06-2023
Order w.r.t. Finalisation HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Transmission Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202302-06-2023
Fixation of Multiyear Control Period02-12-2023
HPERC ( Terms and Conditions for Determination of Hydro Generation Supply Tariff) Regulations, 2011.01-04-2011
Notification of Multi Year Control Period for the Generating Company30-11-2016
HPERC (Format for Multi Year Tariff Fillings by the Generating Company) Order,201130-11-2016
MYT Generation Formats30-11-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for determination of Hydro Generation Tariff) (First Amendment) Regulation, 201130-07-2011
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for determination of Hydro Generation Tariff) (Second Amendment) Regulation, 2013 01-11-2013
Notification of Multi Year Control Period30-11-2016
HPERC (Format for Multi Year Tariff Fillings by Generating Company) Order,2013 30-11-2016
MYT filing formats30-11-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Hydro Generation Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201822-11-2018
Statement of Reasons HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Hydro Generation Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201822-11-2018
Fixation of Multiyear Control Period02-12-2023
HPERC ( Terms and Conditions for Determination of Wheeling Tariff and Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 201101-04-2011
Notification of Multi Year Control Period for the Distribution Licencee02-04-2011
HPERC (Format for Multi Year Tariff Fillings by the Distribution Licencee) Order,201130-11-2016
MYT Distribution Formats30-11-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for determination of Wheeling Tariff and retail Supply Tariff) (First Amendment) Regulation, 201230-03-2012
Statement of Reason30-11-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Wheeling Tariff and Retail Supply Tariff) (Second Amendment) Regulation, 2013 01-11-2013
Notification of Multi Year Control Period22-04-2016
HPERC (Format for Multi Year Tariff Fillings by Distribution Licensee) Order,2013 22-04-2016
MYT filing formats22-04-2016
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Wheeling Tariff and Retail Supply Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201822-11-2018
Statement of Reasons HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Wheeling Tariff and Retail Supply Tariff) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201822-11-2018
HPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Wheeling Tariff and Retail Supply Tariff) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 202130-01-2021
HPERC (Distribution Performance Standards) Regulation, 201008-10-2010
HPERC (Distribution Performance Standards) 1st Amendment Regulation, 201130-04-2011
Statements of Objects and Reasons 22-04-2016
HPERC (Distribution Performance Standards )(Second Amendment) Regulations, 202230-04-2022
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Distribution Performance Standards )(Second Amendment) Regulations, 202229-04-2022
HPERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-Term and Medium-Term Intra-State Open Access and Related Matters), Regulations, 2010.02-06-2010
HPERC (Short- Term Open Access), Regulations, 2010.02-06-2010
HPERC Determination of Open Access Charges Order, 2008.05-09-2008
HPERC Determination of Open Access Charges Order 2009.25-11-2009
HPERC Determination of Open Access Charges Order, 201019-08-2010
Notification Regarding Applicability of Open Access Regulation in Transmission.09-02-2011
HPERC Determination of Open Access Charges Order, 2011.01-12-2011
HPERC ( Determination of Transmission and Wheeling Charges under Open Access Charges ) Order, 2012.26-06-2012
HPERC ( Grant of Connectivity, Long-term and Medium-term intra-State Open Access and Related Matters) (First Amendment) Regulation, 2012.07-12-2012
Order w.r.t finalisation of HPERC ( Grant of Connectivity, Long-term and Medium-term intra-State Open Access and Related Matters) (First Amendment) Regulation, 2010.03-12-2012
HPERC ( Determination of Transmission and Wheeling ,SLDC and Cross Subsidy Surcharge under Open Access Charges ) Order, 2013.29-05-2013
HPERC (Short Term Open Access) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201811-06-2018
Order w.r.t HPERC (Short Term Open Access) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201811-06-2018
HPERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long–term and Medium-term intra-State Open Access and Related Matters)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 202111-08-2021
Order w.r.t finalisation of HPERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long–term and Medium-term intra-State Open Access and Related Matters)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 202111-08-2021
Order w.r.t Procedure for Verification of the status of Captive Generating Plant (CGP) in the State of Himachal Pradesh29-03-2022
Procedure for Verification of Status of Captive Generating Plant in the State of Himachal Pradesh29-03-2022
HPERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term and Medium–term intra-State Open Access and Related Matters) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202415-02-2024
Order w.r.t finalisation of HPERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term and Medium–term intra-State Open Access and Related Matters) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202414-02-2024
HPERC (Short Term Open Access) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202430-08-2024
Order w.r.t. finalisation of HPERC (Short Term Open Access) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202430-08-2024
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 2010 26-05-2010
Notification of Designated State Agency 19-06-2010
Notification of RPPO applicability to Captive & Open Access Consumer(s)/ User(s)30-09-2010
HPERC (Fixation of Fees and Charges for Accreditation of Renewable Energy Generation Project) Order 201023-10-2010
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (1st Amendment) Regulation, 201103-10-2011
Statement of Object and Reasons30-11-2016
RPO Compliance Formats For Captive Power Consumers30-11-2016
Model Power Purchase Agreement of SHP under REC Mechanism in State of H.P30-11-2016
HPERC (Fixation of Fees and Charges for Accreditation of Renewable Energy Generation Project) Order 201514-08-2015
HPERC (Fixation of Fees and Charges for Accreditation of Renewable Energy Generation Project) Order 201604-03-2016
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (2nd Amendment) Regulation, 2016 30-03-2016
Commission's Order dated 28/09/2016 Related to Procedure for ensuring Compliance of Renewable Power Purchase Obligations (RPPOs)28-09-2016
Order w.r.t finalisation of HPERC(Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201724-03-2017
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201724-03-2017
Adjustment of Surplus/Shortfall of Renewable Energy Certificates or Renewable Energy with respect to Renewable Purchase Obligation of FY 2016-17 in FY 2017-18) Order, 2017.21-07-2017
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 201706-12-2017
Statement of Reasons06-12-2017
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 201827-11-2018
Statement of Reasons w.r.t HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 201827-11-2018
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 202005-02-2020
Statement of Reasons w.r.t HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 202005-02-2020
HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 202115-07-2021
Order w.r.t finalisation of HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 202115-07-2021
HPERC (Cross Subsidy surcharge, additional surcharge &Phasing of cross subsidy) Regulations, 2006.21-09-2006
HPERC (Cross Subsidy Surcharge, Additional Surcharge and Phasing of Cross Subsidy) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201610-11-2016
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Cross Subsidy Surcharge, Additional Surcharge and Phasing of Cross Subsidy) (First Amendment) Regulations, 201610-11-2016
HPERC (Cross Subsidy Surcharge, Additional Surcharge and Phasing of Cross Subsidy) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202109-04-2021
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Cross Subsidy Surcharge, Additional Surcharge and Phasing of Cross Subsidy) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 202109-04-2021
Hperc (Treatment of Income of other businesses of Transmission and Distribution Licensees) Regulation, 200502-12-2005
HPERC (Treatment of Income of Other Businesses of Transmission Licensees and Distribution Licensees) (First Amendment) Regulations, 202315-05-2023
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Treatment of Income of Other Businesses of Transmission Licensees and Distribution Licensees) (First Amendment) Regulations, 202315-05-2023
HPERC (Guidelines & Formats for Tariff Filing) Regulations, 200531-10-2005
HPERC (Appointment of Consultants) Regulations, 2005.25-07-2005
HPERC (Appointment of Consultants) (First Amendment) Regulations,201322-11-2013
HPERC( Approval of Hydro Electric Projects in the State of Himachal Pradesh) Directions 2005 .06-04-2005
HPERC (Security Deposit) Regulation, 200530-03-2005
HPERC( Security Deposit) (Removal of Difficulties) [First Order] 200506-10-2005
HPERC (Security Deposit) (First Amendment) Regulation, 201103-11-2011
HPERC (Security Deposit) (Second Amendment) Regulation, 2015 along with Order28-11-2015
HPERC (Security Deposit) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202003-07-2020
Oredr w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Security Deposit) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 202003-07-2020
HPERC (Security Deposit) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 202109-07-2021
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Security Deposit) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 202108-07-2021
HPERC (Security Deposit) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 202321-08-2023
Order w.r.t. Finalisation of HPERC (Security Deposit)( Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 202319-08-2023
HPERC(Procedure of filing appeal before the Appellate) Regulation 2005.24-03-2005
HPERC (Procedure of filing appeal before the Appellate) (First Amendment) Regulation, 2008.15-11-2008
HPERC(Manner of Services & Publication of notice by the Commission).24-03-2005
HPERC (Conduct of Business) Regulation 2005.14-01-2005
Item no.8 of HPERC (Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations 2005-Second Amendment20-12-2005
HPERC (Conduct Of Business) Third Amendment, Regulation ,2008 14-01-2008
HPERC (Conduct Of Business) (Fourth Amendment) Regulation ,200801-08-2008
HPERC (Conduct Of Business) (Fifth Amendment) Regulation ,200821-07-2008
HPERC (Conduct Of Business) (Sixth Amendment) Regulation ,201023-08-2010
HPERC (Conduct Of Business) (Seventh Amendment) Regulation ,201410-01-2014
HPERC (Conduct Of Business) (Eighth Amendment) Regulation ,201402-06-2014
Order for finalisation of HPERC (Conduct Of Business) (Eighth Amendment) Regulation ,201402-06-2014
HPERC (Conduct of Business)(Ninth Amendment) Regulations, 201901-04-2019
HPERC (Conduct of Business) (Tenth Amendment) Regulations, 201910-06-2019
HPERC (Conduct of Business) (Eleventh Amendment) Regulations, 202130-03-2021
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Conduct of Business) (Eleventh Amendment) Regulations, 202130-03-2021
HPERC (Conduct of Business) (12th Amendment) Regulations, 202221-07-2022
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Conduct of Business) (Twelfth Amendment) Regulations, 202221-07-2022
HPERC (Conduct of Business) (Thirteenth Amendment) Regulations, 202331-03-2023
Order w.r.t Finalisation of HPERC (Conduct of Business) (Thirteenth Amendment) Regulations, 202331-03-2023
HPERC(License’s Duty for Supply of Electricity on request) Regulation 200422-06-2004
HPERC (State Advisory Committee) Regulation 2004 22-06-2004
Notification regarding State Advisory Committee Members 200811-08-2008
HPERC (State Advisory Committee) (First Amendment) Regulation, 200921-07-2009
Notification regarding Nomination of State Advisory Committee Members27-11-2009
Reconstitution of State Advisory Committee Members23-12-2015
In Supersession of Earlier Notification dated 23-12-2015, Reconstitution of State Advisory Committee Members08-01-2016
Reconstitution of State Advisory Committee 11-01-2018
Reconstitution of State Advisory Committee10-02-2020
HPERC (General Conditions of Trading Licence) Regulations 2004.11-06-2004
HPERC General of Conditions of Trading Licence (First Amendment) Regulations, 200522-02-2005
HPERC ( Eligibility Conditions for being a Electricity Trader ) Regulations, 2008 21-07-2008
HPERC Fixation of Intra State Trading Margin Order, 200805-09-2008
HPERC (Eligibility Conditions for being a Electricity Trader) (First Amendment) Regulation, 201109-08-2011
HPERC (General Conditions of Transmission Licence) Regulations 2004. 11-06-2004
Hperc (General of Conditions of Transmission Licence (First Amendment )Regulations, 2005 22-02-2005
HPERC(General Conditions of Distribution Licence) Regulation 2004. 09-06-2004
HPERC (General of Conditions of Distribution Licence (First Amendment) Regulations, 200522-02-2005
HPERC (Terms & Conditions of Determination of Tariff).09-06-2004