Renewable Energy

Keyword Wed, Feb 12th, 2025
Sr.No. Description Date Of Order
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2024-2514-03-2024
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Small Hydro Projects above 100 kW for 4th Control Period (i.e. 01.10.2023 to 31.03.2027)17-11-2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the Matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2023-24 (for a period w.e.f 01.10.2023 to 31.03.2024)04-11-2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2023- 2431-03-2023
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects for FY 2022- 2328-03-2022
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Solar PV Projects for FY 2021-2222-07-2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC In the Matter of Determination of generic levellised tariff for Small Hydro Projects upto 100 kW (01.04.2021 to 30.09.2023).31-03-2021
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Solar PV Projects for FY 2020-2115-01-2021
Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Small Hydro Projects for 3rd control period i.e. 01.04.2020 to 30.09.202322-12-2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Small Hydro Projects for 2nd Control Period i.e. 1st October 2019 to 31st March 2020.15-02-2020
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of generic levellised tariffs for Solar PV Projects for the last six months of FY 2019-20 (i.e. 1st October, 2019 to 31st March, 2020).20-01-2020
Determination of generic levellised tariffs for Solar PV Projects for first six months of FY 2019-2008-07-2019
Determination of generic levellised tariffs for Solar PV Projects for FY 2018-1925-07-2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Renewable Energy Purchase (Non-Solar & Solar) for FY 2016-17 under the provisions of Regulation 4(1) of the HPERC (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 201707-04-2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Small Hydro Projects under Regulation 14 of the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Promotion of Generation from the Renewable Energy Sources and Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination) Regulations, 201724-03-2018
Determination of Generic Levellised Tariffs for Solar PV Projects for various duration of FY 2017-1812-02-2018
Before Hon'ble HPERC in the matter of Eligibility of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to Distribution Licensee for Renewable Energy (Non-Solar) purchased beyond Renewable Power Purchase Obligation for FY 2014-15 and matter regarding self-retention of non-solar RECs for FY 2015-16 from available inventory05-01-2018
Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects For FY16-1706-07-2016
Order of Generic Levellised Tariff for MSW/RDF Projects For FY16-1707-05-2016
Determination of Generic Levellised Tariff for Solar PV Projects08-09-2015
Annexures A & B 30-11--0001
Order on Mechanism for Adjustment of Accelerated/ Additional Depriciation Benefit and Capital Subsidy for SHPs30-06-2015
In Matter of Issuance of Certification of Excess of Renewable Energy Procurement beyond RPPO Targets for FY13-14 for Issuance of RE Certificates07-03-2015
Generic Levellised Tariff for Small Hydro Projects 20-05-2013
Category -I (Above 100 kW - 2 MW): Appendix A Sheet I-V30-11--0001
Category -I (Above 100 kW - 2 MW): Appendix A Sheet VI-VII30-11--0001
Category -II (Above 2 MW - 5 MW):Appendix B Sheet I-V30-11--0001
Category -II (Above 2 MW - 5 MW):Appendix B Sheet VI-VII30-11--0001
Category -III (Above 5 MW - 25 MW):Appendix C Sheet I-V30-11--0001
Category -III (Above 5 MW - 25 MW):Appendix C Sheet VI-VII30-11--0001
Appendix D 30-11--0001